Matthew McBride Loses his Port Moody & Pemberton Radio Licences


 Matthew McBride           Feb. 28, 2020

The CRTC has DENIED the renewal of McBride’s licences for CKPM-FM Port Moody and CFPV-FM Pemberton.

“Given the severity and recurrence of the current instances of non-compliance; the station’s history and the licensee’s actions, which clearly demonstrate its poor understanding of its conditions of licence and regulatory obligations, or a lack of willingness to respect them; the licensee’s demonstrated inability to implement the necessary measures to ensure compliance; and its disregard for the Commission’s authority and for its responsibilities as a broadcaster, the Commission is not convinced that the imposition of conditions of licence, the imposition of a mandatory order, a suspension of the licence or a short-term licence would be effective measures. Consequently, the Commission finds that not renewing the licence is the only appropriate measure in the circumstances.”

However the regulator APPROVED the sale of McBride’s Tofino and Ucluelet stations.

“The Commission approves applications by CHMZ-FM Radio Ltd. and CIMM-FM Radio Ltd. for authority to change their ownership and effective control through the transfer of all of their issued and outstanding shares to 1193833 B.C. Ltd., a company wholly owned and controlled by Mr. Cameron Randall Dennison.
Further, the Commission renews, subject to the following condition of approval, the broadcasting licences for CHMZ-FM Tofino and CIMM-FM Ucluelet from 1 April 2020 to 31 August 2022.

1193833 B.C. Ltd. shall file with the Commission, by no later than 30 June 2020, a document demonstrating that the transaction approved in the present decision has been completed and that all conditions relating to closing have been satisfied or waived.”

Cameron Dennison


  1. Tofino and Ucluelet are the winners. Port Moody and Pemberton get screwed. Hopefully someone with Bcast sense and deep pockets will get into the markets .


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