Senior source claims corporation will face a ‘massive pruning back’ and will have to sell off most of its radio stations
Boris Johnson on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show in 2018. The Prime Minister is said to be “really strident” on the need to take apart the broadcaster CREDIT: BBC
Senior aides to the Prime Minister last night vowed to scrap the BBC‘s television licence fee and replace it with a subscription model.
The move could force the corporation to downsize and sell off most of its radio stations in a “massive pruning back” of its activities, according to a senior source quoted in The Sunday Times.
The source told the paper that Boris Johnson was “really strident” on the need for serious reform.
They said there would be a consultation on replacing the licence fee with a subscription model, adding: “We will whack it.”
It could lead to the number of BBC television channels being reduced, the website scaling back and stars being banned from cashing in on well-paid second jobs….
Read more HERE.
Sounds like the UK has the same problem with their national broadcaster as we do. If our problems are any indication, BBC is filled with outdated, entitled leftists who think that this is still the 1970s and that the country is made up of non-white women who prefer the company of other women. The reality is quite different.
But BBC still actually produces amazing dramas and comedies that are exported worldwide and enjoyed by millions.
Other than Schitt’s Creek, Kids in the Hall and perhaps Anne with an E, what is CBC famous for?
Saying that our population is smaller is no longer an excuse: Canada now has 40 million people. Surely, our national broadcaster can fund and produce quality drama and comedy.
It’s the news division that angers people. Nobody watches the local CBC news yet we are told that this is where CBC needs to INCREASE production.
In reality, CBC should stick to national news, get out of local news and direct the cost savings to identifiable Canadian drama and comedy.
Exactly, why government fund any media network that actually subverts your own nation’s soveriegnty and well being?
Just as in Canada with the CBC which is essentially a subversive arm of our current anti Canadian, anti sovereignty Liberal government should also be totally de-funded today.
OBTW just as an extra thought. Anyone looking currently at our soyboy PM Trudeau with his beard, does he not look in a familial way like a 40 something once known Cuban Dictator? I mean seriously I’m not joking, he does not even seem to hide the similar look anymore. I wonder how long will it be before the truth possibly comes out?
PM Trudeau’s attitude and such on governing seems to much align with the character traits of this now deceased Cuban dictator.