Mirko Bibic New Top Man at Bell; Senior Executives Reshuffled


Juliette Jagger 

“Bell’s goal is to advance how Canadians connect with each other and the world,” Bibic added. “Our strategic imperatives frame our longstanding strengths in networks, service innovation and content creation, and position the Bell team for continued growth and innovation leadership in a fast-changing communications marketplace. The near-instant connections of fibre and upcoming 5G service, and the opportunities represented by IoT, AI and new content platforms, will create unprecedented opportunities for consumers, businesses and communities. The Bell team’s role is to champion customer experience in a new world of communication possibilities.”

Bibic, who joined Bell in 2004 as Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and has since served as the company’s Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President, Corporate Development, and as Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer, also announced a restructured Bell executive leadership team.



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