Puget Sound Radio came across our facebook friend, Dale R Patterson, owner and founder of the excellent media website Rock Radio Scrapbook which features decades of ‘classic’ radio airchecks of well known Canadian and American disc-jockeys and featuring a world of radio history news. Dale announced he was celebrating the 23rd birthday of Rock Radio Scrapbook. last week, a belated Happy Birthday and Congratulations Dale!
Now a word from Dale…
Nice to hear from you Michael: Here is what I wrote on FB about the 23rd anniversary of Rock Radio Scrapbook: “Rock Radio Scrapbook is 23 years old today. The site went online at around 2 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 1996. The Internet was in its infancy then – no Google, no YouTube, no Facebook, no Twitter, no Wikipedia, not much of anything really. There wasn’t a lot of radio history either so I figured I’d post what I had and keep adding to it. I thought it was neat that I could start a web site and it could be seen around the world, and still do. Anyway it’s been a fun ride and I’ll keep it going for as long as I’m able. Thanks for all who have contributed to the site and added words of encouragement. Radio people are the greatest!”
For last week’s special aircheck, which was in celebration of a Halloween special aircheck, Dale is featuring the updated version of the all-time classic of Orson Wells, “War of the Worlds” about an invasion of martians landing on the earth. This 1971 production was produced by Buffalo’s 50,000 watt radio giant WKBW, and it’s a winner and must listen.
There is Scoped and an Un Scoped versions. To Chose and Listen, Click HERE
Might be an idea to do a comparison of the original Wells version to compare. Mind you that added technology in the 71 version brings it into our generation.
Here’s Orson’s version originally broadcast in 1938.
Dale R. Patterson’s Rock Radio Scrapbook website HERE