Every year since 2013, I have loaded up the car for a football trip to see the Green Bay Packers. The team has a special relationship with the town that is unlike any other in sports. That extends to its local radio partner which clearly doesn’t behave like other radio stations in a medium or small market. WIXX 101.1 is staffed 24/7 with live personalities. The program director is Corey Carter who also pulls the 1-3pm shift on air. He spoke to me about his employer, Midwest Communications, the relationships developed with team members, the team, and the formula that has kept the station at number one since 1977. in this episode, we spoke about the difficulty in getting a decent hotel on game days. We solved that problem this year by staying with Kirsten and Gary. You can connect with them and have a place to stay for Packers games by calling 920-757-0693.

Matt Cundill works with radio groups on digital strategies and talent coaching. He recently started the Sound Off Podcast: The Podcast about Broadcast”
E-mail Matt:
Twitter: @mattcundill
” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “