In Wrestling, a shoot is when two wrestlers go unscripted into the ring and have it out. Yukon Jack from 100.3 The Bear and I don’t wrestle one another any more – but we did this podcast along the same lines as a shoot. Not your usual questions and not your usual answers. The longtime Edmonton morning man talked about some of his former program directors and co-workers and has learned lots from all along the way. Yukon has worked through about three eras of rock radio, and two separate morning shows to land alongside McCord and RyMy on the Worst Show Ever. He says radio is smarter than it was ten years ago, even if he admits that the status of a radio personality has declined in that time.

Matt Cundill works with radio groups on digital strategies and talent coaching. He recently started the Sound Off Podcast: The Podcast about Broadcast”
E-mail Matt:
Twitter: @mattcundill
” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “
Funny, no mention of Cub. I guess for obvious reasons.
What are the reasons?
I know people that worked in that CFRN building during mid to late 90s, and the consensus was that Cub was a positive influence on Yukon and had a great hand in helping him start out in radio. Yet there is no note of recognition. Is it because he does Cub’s old schtik? That’s my guess
Definitely. But the reason it wasn’t mentioned in the show was because I didn’t bring it up.