UNPLANNED MOVIE: In Rare Display Of Corporate Courage, Cineplex Defends Free Speech Amid Radical Far-Left Liberal Criticism


by Spencer Fernando

July 6, 2019

Desperate radical-left Trudeau Liberals try to make people afraid of a movie.

With the Trudeau Liberals feeling the possibility of power slipping away in the upcoming election, they’re doing everything they can to try and demonize the Canadian People.

The latest effort was initiated by Trudeau’s taxpayer-funded Chief of Staff Katie Telford.

After seeing that the pro-life movie “UnPlanned” would be shown in Cineplex theatres, Telford went on a radical-left anti-free speech rant:

“This is happening, at least in part, thanks to the support received by federal Conservative politicians.

Controversial anti-abortion film Unplanned to hit more than 24 Canadian theatres (link: https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/movies/2019/07/03/controversial-anti-abortion-film-unplanned-to-hit-more-than-24-canadian-theatres.html) thestar.com/entertainment/… via 

Katie Telford


This is happening, at least in part, thanks to the support received by federal Conservative politicians.

Controversial anti-abortion film Unplanned to hit more than 24 Canadian theatres https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/movies/2019/07/03/controversial-anti-abortion-film-unplanned-to-hit-more-than-24-canadian-theatres.html  via @torontostar

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  1. It’s a good thing for Katie that she was not aborted.

    Speaking as a former virtue signalling liberal and one who for many adult years was a pro abortion supporter (I finally saw the light and returned to human decency) I’m getting rather sick and tired of all these smug, self righteous hypocrite SJW’s and liberals.

    If people actually knew about and or saw how especially 2nd and late terms abortions are done, they’d all likely turn pro life.


    Pro a woman choosing to and when she wants to get pregnant. Once pregnant her choice ENDS!


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