June 11, 2019
A decisive rejection of attempts by the Trudeau Liberals to push for government control over social media networks.
As we all know, the Trudeau Liberals have repeatedly lied to Canadians.
In fact, the Liberal government is by far the biggest purveyor of fake news that Canada has ever seen before.
The lies are endless.
Yet, the arrogant elitist Liberals somehow feel that they should have the power to decide what is and isn’t ‘real’ or ‘fake’ news, and are even threatening to shut down social media networks in advance of the election if the networks don’t do the partisan bidding of the government.
The Liberals’ authoritarian approach is disturbing to many Canadians, and goes against what our country stands for. Not only do the Liberals have zero credibility on the truth, it’s dangerous to give any government – regardless of partisan affiliation – the power to decide what news is legitimate or not. That choice should be up to each individual Canadian, not the government.
Now, a new survey by Ipsos that compiled views on the internet from around the world shows almost nobody in Canada supports attempts by the government for deciding what news is fake.
Read More HERE
Photo: Courtesy of Youtube
“Now, a new survey by Ipsos that compiled views on the internet from around the world shows almost nobody in Canada supports attempts by the government for deciding what news is fake.”
Yes it’s a good thing that we set government policy by a survey done on the internet.
People should do their homework and decide for themselves what is real news and what is fake news. Remember, there was no ‘fake news’ untils D.J. Trump became U.S. President #45.
There has always been fake news.
President Trump just put an appropriate name to it.
That % number would be an indication of voters that might still support the ah um ah um pm