Upcoming Signal Frequency Changes will Impact Viewer Access to CTV2 Victoria, etc.


Only Over-the-air Receivers Will Be Affected

TORONTOApril 23, 2019 /CNW/ – Bell Media announced today that beginning after 12 midnight on April 28, 2019, government mandated transmitter updates will result in signal frequency changes to the following channels:
  • CTV Toronto’s Channel 9.1
  • CTV Victoria’s Channel 23. 1
  • CTV Windsor’s Channel 26.1

Viewers using over-the-air rooftop or indoor antennas to access these channels will need to re-scan their television channels to restore service.

Viewers can re-scan their televisions following these easy steps (exact language may differ – viewers are encouraged to consult their TV manuals for model-specific details.):

  • Click “Settings” or “Menu” on the television’s remote control
  • Go to the “Channel” tab
  • Select the “Auto Channel Program”

This will scan the above-mentioned channels for viewers in each market and restore service. The process can take several minutes to complete.

Note: Viewers accessing the above channels with direct-to-home satellite, cable, and Bell Fibe will not lose service.

Mandated by ISED (Innovation, Science, and Economic Development)  in Canada and the Federal Communications Commission in the U.S. (FCC), this “TV channel repack” program requires broadcasters with over-the-air services to transition into a tighter spectrum to free up more spectrum for wireless carriers.

For more information and FAQs on these upcoming transmitter changes, visit CTV.ca.


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