January 25, 2019
In a major warning to purveyors of fake news, Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann and his family have hired a high-powered attorney who specializes in suing the media for libel and slander.
The Sandmann family have hired RunSwitch PR, Kentucky’s largest public relations firm, to help them deal with media appearances, but the family has also now hired aggressive Georgia attorney, L. Lin Wood, WCPO-TV reported.
The Sandmann family attorney, Todd McMurtry, noted that Wood is “committed to bringing justice to 16-year-old Nick Sandmann and his family.”
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You have to talk to people in a language that they understand.
Catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic. Has anyone else noticed that this story tries to hijack Catholicism. I suppose if the young man was a Presbyterian being harassed by an activist beating a drum the story would have no legs. I know a few catholics that might have turned the drum into a hat for the person beating it in his/her face. This particular
C A T H O L I C took the high road and simply smiled/ grinned/smirked/made a face/ and did not react to the harassment
Catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic catholic. Yup it make me feel better to repeat Catholic catholic catholic .over and over and over again..
“turned the drum into a hat” 13, that was funny.
I showed this clip to my 16 year old son and said this an example of “a well brought up boy”. In fact, the young man’s stoicism is at levels only seen in much older men.