Media yawned when real ricin packages were mailed to Trump and leading Republicans a mere 4 weeks ago
Chris Buskirk asks a key question that exposes the media’s total manipulation of the news: “Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?”
I would wager that 98% of the public doesn’t even know that packages far more deadly than the ineffective bomb-resembling packages allegedly mailed by Cesar Sayoc were mailed to the president and his allies and staff.
Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin – contact with the skin can be deadly – was sent to President Trump, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson? Remember all of the introspective opinion pieces wondering if attacks on the president had gone too far? Or if claiming that Republican policies kill people, might not be an incitement to violence?
Me either. But who can remember all the way back to October 2?
Pentagon mail room screening of ricin earlier this month (via NBC).
Every Republican or conservative interviewed about Sayoc needs to raise this question. There is no answer that excuses this double standard.
There are a few other differences between then and now. The target then was the president, his Secretary of Defense, a senior naval officer, and a Republican Senator. And then, wasn’t there more than an implication that Republicans have it coming? After all, Democrats routinely claim that Republicans are not just cruel but that, as Nancy Pelosi said ‘millions, hundreds of thousands will die’ if Republicans get their way. What stronger language is there than that? And if you believe it, then violence against Republicans becomes a justifiable – perhaps even heroic – act of self-defense.
Chris Buskirk asks a key question that exposes the media’s total manipulation of the news: “Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?”
I would wager that 98% of the public doesn’t even know that packages far more deadly than the ineffective bomb-resembling packages allegedly mailed by Cesar Sayoc were mailed to the president and his allies and staff.
Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin – contact with the skin can be deadly – was sent to President Trump, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson? Remember all of the introspective opinion pieces wondering if attacks on the president had gone too far? Or if claiming that Republican policies kill people, might not be an incitement to violence?
Me either. But who can remember all the way back to October 2?
Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/10/media_yawned_when_emrealem_ricin_packages_were_mailed_to_trump_and_leading_republicans_a_mere_em4_weeks_agoem_.html#ixzz5VBGaKDad
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No s__t . The media didnt feel it necessary to report the attacks on Republicans because the media is owned operated and owes its soul to elitist democratic machine. I thought for sure that Soros got the first bomb because the courier dropped it when he picked up the shipment.
Oh well I wouldnt hold my breath waiting for any media to ask the question that Thomas Lifson has posed.
Why do people (even Canadians) continue to support the loonie left ?
Do they only understand left vs. right, but aren’t intelligent enough to understand right from wrong ?
Maybe it’s because the white house covered it up because Trump wants everyone to think the whole world loves him
Nice try Italk2u, another Trump hater. What a stupid bloody comment. You really show your ignorance and true colours. I don’t understand Canadians attitude towards the American president. Its all HATE;, mind you that is what the Canadian media pumps out, The same Fake News from CNN and Canadians eat it all up. Can you not see the Double Standard? As for this story, it was reported in the New York Times on October 2nd, 2018, but none of the tv networks, except Fox carried the story. WHY???
New York Times
FOX News
Utah man charged for sending toxic letters to Trump, other admin officials
Has anyone offered up a credible explanation as to way the stamps on the “pipe bomb” packages were not post marked?
Itlk2u. If anything you have described the polar opposite about Donald Trump. I doubt that there has been a president in recent history that has been so aware of what the regular American people feel about their POTUS. Go back to election night and look at the map behind John King. Only a blind man would not be able to see that Trump should have little trouble seeing where he is disliked or liked.
Even if someone disagrees with Trump policies , if you cant see how biased against this president the MSM is your disagreement is invalid because of your blind prejudice.
I still haven’t figured out what is going on with this guy but who puts a timer on a pipe bomb.
Only a fake/hoax bomb or an idiot would put a timer on an alleged bomb that was to be sent through the mail. HOW WOULD HE KNOW HOW LONG IT WOULD TAKE TO GET TO THE VICTIM!?! On top of that the clock was so cheap and cheesy it DID NOT HAVE AN ALARM FUNCTION, it could NEVER work as a trigger device.
If these were meant to be REAL bombs a true mad bomber would have made sure they would WORK upon opening. This was all a hoax and to play on soft headed people and idiot media. I mean CNN took pictures of the alleged bomb sent in error as he is a consultant to MSNBC Jon (I’m a former Communist now convert to Islam) Brennan. UM IF THEY KNEW IT WAS REAL THEY’D HAVE EVACUATED AND NOT FOUND TIME FOR PICS!!!!
Next as to Accessory A [ANAGRAM], Ceasar Sayoc. He was a registered Democrat through 2016, the van DID NOT have stickers on windows but had one piece vinyl window wraps, apparently illegal in FLA. And if he drove around with it surely idiot lefty-libs would have vandalized the van.
This was all a back room designed distraction and to try to sway mid term votes to the commie Dems.
As to the joke of MSM’s odd how what not two month ago what FOUR letters with REAL TOXIC RISEN was mailed to Trump family members, a Senator and to the Pentagon. The MSM’s and Democrats did NOT GO ALL APE SHIT OVER THIS REAL TERRORIST ATTACK! It barely made the news. The SOB who mailed them was caught but is out on bail and agrees to appear in court in Jan. 2019 where he will plead guilty and accept only a maximum of 7 years prison sentence LIKE WTF!!!!!
I gotta ask in light of recent events – Are news media fuelling hate?
RED WAVE INBOUND……….and the left is going to lose its mind.