Longtime Broadcaster Terry Moore Dead at 82 … Cancer



Very sorry to get the word of Terry Moore‘s passing today in Victoria, following a short battle with stage 4 colon cancer.  Terry had a long history of broadcasting, mostly as a talk show host, in Vancouver, Cakgary, Edmonton and Victoria.  He was the regular relief talk host at C-FAX 1070 until very recently, following his retirement from a regular on-air assignment in 2016.

Thousands of listeners had no idea of Terry’s advanced age (82), since he had the sound and energy of a 50 year old.  He will be missed.

Gord Lansdell’s Vancouver Broadcasters website detaiks Moore’s radio itinerary:

CKUA Edmonton (1956); CFCN Calgary; CKFH Toronto; mornings WTFM-FM New York; talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1970s; CKWX Vancouver; CKNW New Westminster 1980-92; author household hints publication Toothpaste & Peanut Butter 1988; talk show host then mornings CHQR Calgary 1992-99; news anchor CICT-TV Calgary 7 early 1990s; p.m. drive talk show host CFAX Victoria early 1990s-2007; co-host Wine Talk CFAX weekends; daily talk show host CFAX 2012-16 and fill-in host 2016-current




  1. He was a neighbours of mine many years ago and I got to be very friendly with him.

    He was a Good Man, intelligent, positive, pleasant, principled, and thoughtful.


  2. He was a neighbour of mine many years ago and I got to be very friendly with him.

    He was a Good Man, intelligent, positive, pleasant, principled, and thoughtful.


  3. Terry was an absolute delight to work and chat with when he filled in at NW on various talkshows. Also -loved his small roll as the uncle in the Sandy Wilson film “My American Cousin.”

    Sad to hear of his passing.

  4. Terry Moore was a very enjoyable radio host when I listened to him on CKNW back in the day. He was intelligent, clear in his views and not very extreme, nor curmudgeon like on air to guests or callers. My condolences to his family and friends.

    RIP Mr. Moore

  5. Terry had the unique ability to make his show the centre of the world. No matter Clark, Horgan, Harper, Trudeau, world events, civic politics or the latest technology, 1070 was exactly the place to be when he was on( in more ways than one!)

  6. My wife Cindy and I were very saddened to learn of the passing of Terry yesterday. I worked with Terry for many years at CKNW and CFAX. He was a great broadcaster and I have so many memories of our time together both on air and off. Our thoughts are with Ramona and family.

  7. Got to know Terry while we both performed many on-air remotes together. Interestingly, for two different stations. He for ‘NW and me for the original CHQM. We shared many stories of interest to the two of us (personal). I found him to be most personal, friendly, articulate and well-informed.
    Condolences to his family.
    Rest peacefully, Terry.

  8. Sad to hear the news of Terry Passing, I used to spend many many weekends with him and my dad Jack Simmons at live on location remotes when my Dad was at CKNW, Terry always let me do the stop watch and help him keep time when he was doing the live broadcast.. Terry is a reason I took broadcasting at BCIT… He will always have a special place in my heart… Thoughts and prayers are with Ramona and Family.

  9. So sad to hear about Terry this morning on CFAX. I don’t listen much anymore as I’m less than engaged by the programming (in most cases) except when Terry filled in. Then I’d make a date to listen again. (I really like Mark Brennae, too, but I work most days when he’s on so miss his shows.)

    I remember being so upset when Terry “retired” back around 2007 or so, but was so happy when he came back again. He was well-versed in so many subjects, even alternative health and other subjects I especially follow, that I trusted his knowledge and appreciated his intelligence. Not just a never-ending replay on the same half dozen subjects, day in and day out, as you hear on so many broadcasting outlets these days.

    No, Terry brought thought-provoking commentary laced with variety, humour and supreme politeness to his shows and didn’t showcase his own smarts at the expense of his guests’ time and expertise. I’m going to miss him terribly. I truly thought, with his exuberance and energy he’d be on air till well into his 90’s … at least! Now that he’s gone – far too soon — along with Ian Jessop and Pamela McCall (both alive and kicking, though, thankfully), CFAX continues to lose its reputed news edge.

    Interesting aside: I have this rather odd thing that happens to me where a celebrity or someone in the limelight pops into my head unbidden and, lo and behold, usually within a few days, that person shows up in the news in obituary form. This happened less than a week ago when the thought of Terry popped into my head and I thought: haven’t heard Terry on CFAX lately. Wonder when he’ll be on again? I hope he hasn’t retired again.

    And then I woke up to the news this morning.

    Well, now I’m sure he’s on the next ‘plane’, regaling his favourite Frank Sinatra and many other great long-gone orators, singers, actors and news-makers in his lovely booming voice. Where he’ll remain hale and hearty evermore.

  10. I am very saddened at the passing of Terry. He was a great guy to both work with or just hang around with. We played hockey on the CKNW team back in the 80’s. You learn a lot about a person’s personality when you play sports and Terry was great fun. He will be greatly missed.

  11. Terry and I are both ‘survivors’ of CKSO Sudbury and that’s where the conversation and the laughs always started when we saw each other. Terry was in some ways larger-than-life to me. Loved the bombast and especially the singing! A truly warm person. I’m lucky to have known him. Condolences to Ramona and the family.

  12. I’ll never forget this man. Used to board op his paid talk shows back in the day. He was able to turn on a microphone and pretty could much sell ice to eskimos. Will miss ya old man…. it’s WINE TALK!


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