‘Tonight Show’ Cancels Canadian Comic Norm Macdonald Over ‘Controversial Comments’

Michael Schwartz/Getty
NBC has canceled an appearance by Norm Macdonald on Tuesday’s Tonight Show hours after the comedian issued an apology for comments about Roseanne Barr, Louis C.K. and the Me Too movement made during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

“Out of sensitivity to our audience and in light of Norm Macdonald’s comments in the press today, ‘The Tonight Show’ has decided to cancel his appearance on Tuesday’s telecast,” a Tonight Show spokesperson said.

Macdonald, who has a new show on Netflix entitled Norm Macdonald Has a Show debuting this Friday, drew criticism for saying he was “happy the #MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit,” and speaking about friends and fellow comics Barr and C.K.

“Roseanne was so broken up [after her show’s reboot was canceled] that I got Louis to call her, even though Roseanne was very hard on Louis before that,” Macdonald said. “But she was just so broken and just crying constantly. There are very few people that have gone through what they have, losing everything in a day. Of course, people will go, ‘What about the victims?’ But you know what? The victims didn’t have to go through that.”

In his apology on Twitter, he wrote: “Roseanne and Louis have both been very good friends of mine for many years. They both made terrible mistakes and I would never defend their actions. If my words sounded like I was minimizing the pain that their victims feel to this day, I am deeply sorry.”

Sources tell THR that Netflix is planning to move forward with Macdonald’s show as planned.



  1. I’m not sure this is necessarily a “PC” issue. Fallon is the biggest lightweight talk show host in history. He can’t do much of an interview that doesn’t involve air and, giggling at himself, etc.

    I can’t imagine anyone more ill-equipped to do a topical interview that may involve some form of discomfort, or require the ability to ask intelligent questions.

    I wouldn’t be shocked if this was about protecting that little moron behind the desk.

  2. The world will be a very quiet place if any and all are to only speak in (faux) kindness or even more in ultra-puritan lexicon to all others.

    Oh wait, that is unless you are a rabid, diseased, leftist, commie, SJW where you all can certainly shout out your speech with vile, hate-speech, lies and perverted abuse towards those you don’t not like or agree with.

    Hey that said I’m for ALL SPEECH BEING FREE SPEECH! Just as long as it’s the same for all people. From such we will surely get more respectful, dignified speech and maybe even better debate and not all this soy infused, feminist stink, and just fa**otty SJW, leftist hypocrisy speech.


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