by STEVE EWEN, The Province Sports August 23, 2018

Dan Russell’s affinity for hockey is well-documented. Vancouver Canucks discussion was front and centre during much of Russell’s 30-year run hosting Sportstalk on the radio.
Dan Russell’s affinity for hockey is well-documented.
Vancouver Canucks discussion was front and centre during much of Russell’s 30-year run hosting Sportstalk on the radio.
Rabid fans of the show can tell you that Bill LaForge was Sportstalk’s first guest, coming on during his short tenure as Canucks coach in 1984.
The second guest? It was Vancouver Canadians manager Tony Muser, who had just finished his first full season at the helm of the then-triple A affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers based out of Nat Bailey Stadium.
Russell, now 57, has long been a baseball devotee, and the C’s will honour him Saturday at The Nat with a spot in their broadcast and journalism hall of fame. There will be a ceremony before the 7:05 p.m. game against the Boise Hawks.
I sure miss Dan’s show……..650 could use this guy in the evening!
Dan Russell was the go to guy for late night sports. I listened to him from the beginning. I would love to listen to him again. I don’t need what’s on sports radio these days. Glad I have Sirius satellite
Both 650/1040, particularly mornings, could use Russell…Nice to have Dan Patrick on 1040 @ 9, but that ends soon when dumb & dumber return..
Definitely miss Russell. I always enjoyed his honesty when it came to the Canucks. He is sorely needed back on the air.
Dan on sports and sports related stuff is long missed by me. Dan though is a 100% libtard and likely cucked SJW on politics and to much social commentary. Bring him back to sports/talk radio but make sure he STFU on his libtard, beta male politics and stuff.
Corporate media is why Russell is not on the air although he’s partially to blame for his demise.
Remember when NW got rid of him and then had to crawl back on their hands and knees to get him back? His head got even more swelled and then the endless repeats of prerecorded “shows” and “phoning it in” started happening. He was also very bitter about being passed over for the Canucks PBP job which he wasn’t suited for. However in my opinion Dan Russell is one of the finest sports broadcasters in Canada and it’s a travesty that he’s not on the air. He was often criticized for being hard on the Canucks but his insights were mostly proven correct. There was no better sports talk radio than Dan Russell and Brian Burke talking hockey. Russell at his hard working best is better than anything on either sports stick at this point.
Russell at his best was part of a time when Vancouver radio was great listening all day long. He was part of the reason that so many of us are upset with the crap we hear on the radio today. Had it not been for Russell McRae Davidson and the many other super stars on Vancouver air waves once upon a time we would not know how bad todays radio has become.
Les H. I have to agree, Russell does a pretty good job on sports but makes you run for the radio to change stations when he starts with his lefty schtick. I even heard him once talking about how great of a journalist CNNs department store dummy Wolf Blitzer is. I wrote him off after that one.
I was an early listener to Dan Russell, Sportstalk, back in the CJOR600 days. It was quite enjoyable, informative and interesting for talk radio back then. I then listened to Dan on CJOR, CFMI, and CKNW through his Sportstalk days. If I was tuned in to radio at night and felt like just soaking up some daily sports and mostly Canucks/NHL talk, Dan was the man.
His last 2-3 years at CKNW were becoming more and more just phoned in radio pablum and he lost his edge, I guess the CKNW mis-management and him never getting the PbP host for Canucks game took its toll. But I recorded his last retrospectives program before his CKNW sign off in Sept. 2013.
As a political/social commentator he is 100% cucked, brainwashed liberal, SJW, anti-Trump, pro globalist type shill. I did follow him on Twitter but his wrank liberal nonsense , anti-Trump tweets caused me to have to stop following him on Twitter.
As a sportstalker and decades of radio entertainment, I’ll give him FULL PROPS! I wish he was still doing Sportstalk. But his political/social crap., well I’ll leave that behind. He needs though to realize that liberalism is a mental disorder…. How do I know that? I suffered from said liberalism mental disorder for many years of my adult life!
I listened to him until he got passed over for PBP with the Canucks. He was horrible after that.