by DAVID FRIEND, THE CANADIAN PRESS as posted by Vancouver’s News 1130
Aug 24, 2018

TORONTO – A country radio station in the nation’s capital is turning up the volume on female artists.
Ottawa’s Country 101.1 FM plans to launch a “girl-power hour” starting Monday that’s dedicated to putting women in the spotlight.
Amanda Kingsland, the station’s programming director, said the idea came from brainstorming sessions with staff about the lasting gender imbalance on country airwaves. She believes spending an hour each weekday exclusively on female musicians could help elevate standout performers who are “sometimes overlooked” on a typical broadcast day.
“We really wanted to show it can be done consistently,” Kingsland said.
“It’s not going to be filler.”
The plan comes as the music industry continues to face questions about a lack of gender inclusion in key production roles, such as engineers and producers, across nearly every genre.
But country radio has faced particular criticism in recent years over its favouritism towards male voices.
Most country radio station playlists are dominated by male performers.
A pervasive opinion with some radio programmers says that listeners are averse to hearing too many female singers in a programming block. No tangible data has supported the assumption.
Perhaps PD Amanda should survey her listeners first as to what they want.
Radio mgmt in this part of the world (Lower Mainland BC) has proven clueless as to what their listeners really want on their station(s)..
It is simple, those who are the best and seen to have the best/right mix to carry out said jobs in radio here GET THE JOBS. Gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, creed etc. HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! STOP PLAYING G’DAMN VICTIM CARD!
Equality of outcome is 100% certifiable BULL SHITE! The only equality we should look to in daily life is the ideal of equality of opportunity, even though in an imperfect world this too is impossible to be achieved 100% of the time.
It s odd how these faux-victimized females never cry for equality in the building trades, heavy industries, the oil patch, oil rigs etc. Hmm maybe because MEN AND WOMEN DIFFERENT! Most women do not want to and often are not able to work as hard and as long as men often are capable and do. SUCH IS LIFE, SUCH IS REALITY and YOUR FE FE FEELINGS MAKE NO DIFFERENCE!
Who cares if women prefer to listen to male artists over female artists at the moment? Country labels put out what customers want to buy. The sheer arrogance of some pinhead PD thinking they can force their audience to change a personal preference is idiotic. This will fail spectacularly.
Could it be possible that many AM Program Directors are taking the Lead of uh Canadian uh PM Justin Trudeau?
Why is it PC SJW are so focused on the Gender Equity thing and so intent on doing away with Merit Based criteria when considering the hiring or admission of Staff or Students?
Unfortunately a huge part of the problem comes from the Indoctination of our Children at the hands of Activist, Leftist, SJW Elementary, High School, and University Educators.
If so erging is not done soon those mentioned will soon get their way and they will have taken away and destroyed anything close to masculinity in the Human Male Species.
I only hope and pray that Parebts and Society in General find the ?Courage and the Voice to Speak up for those too young to Speak up for themselves,
We shall see.
The difference between men and women? Men see somethning that needs fixing, and they fix it. Women see something that needs fixing, and the whine and complain until the men fix it.
oh brother,
To add, there is only one thing in life women can do that men cannot do, that is get pregnant and bear children. Even at that they need a man to achieve conception.
There is only one thing in life that women can generally and universally do better then men, and at is PLAYING HEAD GAMES, (I refer to Foreigner’s song by the same name for a synopsis) PLAYING THE EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION GAMES! They cheat, lie, manipulate and play the victim card better than most if not all men. There is simply NOTHING else in life that women do better than men. Oh there are many things they can appear to do equally but even at that they often bitch and whine all too much over it. THEY OFTEN CAN’T SHUT THE HELL UP EVEN DOING MANY OF THESE THINGS WITH GENERAL EQUALITY AS WELL AS MEN!
Even at raising children, the cultural-Marxist, social experts say women are painted as being better than men… B.S!
U.S. statistics and I assume Canada’s and looking only at most western nations will equally tell all.
70% of domestic child abuse in the USA is done by the mother.
70% of domestic child killing in the USA is done by the mother.
I’m not saying all women nor all mothers are crappy or bad, MY MOTHER WAS A GLORIOUS GIFT FROM GOD TO ME AN MY SIBLINGS! I am saying that this idea that women, by being just women are more loving, mentally stable and just as good or better at things in life including raising children than as men, is just untrue. SOME WOMEN ARE VERY GOOD, MOST THOUGH ARE NOT SO GOOD!
Without men, notably western men through and from 200+ years of post industrial revolution in the western developed world, OF WHICH ALL OF THESE MEN CREATED ALL OF THE QUALITY OF LIFE WE ALL INCLUDING 100% OF WOMEN LIVE AND ENJOY! would not exist if not for them and the western man’s world. Women would be living a near starvation life and in mud huts, going potty in dug holes in the ground and washing what little clothes they would have and themselves in streams or lakes. FACT JUST ACCEPT IT!!!
Western men failed though the shit test women have given us over the last 50+ years, that is we chose to lose control over our women. Men and women are not equal, we were not meant to compete with each other. Women are by nature meant to work with men and in hopes to bring in children and raise such families in security, safety, stability and with proper morals.
Immorality and degeneracy is more akin to women today then with men. LOOK AROUND YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN! TAKE YOUR RED PILL AND YOU WILL SEE THE CLARITY OF SUCH FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE! It took me escaping decades of being blue piled to finally see this fact. All too many women have a narcissistic vanity, filled with angst, animosity, general misery and ill will not just to men but more so to each other. IT’S QUITE SAD! The western world was innovated by, invested in and built mostly by men for firstly women and hopefully successful families!
Look, as Youtuber Tommy Sotomeyer says, any society that by law gives women 100% exclusive right to decide if a child will be carried to birth or not, any society that lets women exclusively decide if a born child stays in the natural Mother/Father family paradigm, and if they divorce she essentially decides with whom the child stays with (most western nation courts rule 96% of the time with the mother on child custody) and if/how much time the child has with their father is a society then not long for this world. Notably and as seen very well in minority circles the law rewards women who shack up with multiple, males and bear children with multiple males, NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR SUCH ACTIONS! But will by court rules able to get money and assets from these men (many of these men are immoral idiots themselves) and also the women, AWFUL WOMEN! HORRIBLE MOTHERS! get lots of money from the government too. WE JUST NOT ONLY ACCEPT THEIR IRRESPONSIBILITY AS A FAILING SOCIETY, BUT REWARD IT!!! IT WILL ALL BE OUR DOWN FALL!
Once men, notably western world men lost control over women and our sovereignty over families the clock to our society’s down fall, began its count down to social collapse.
The best women, wives and mothers are those who see the world as it was meant to be and to live life as complimentary with good men, husbands and fathers.
Les H
OK pal…take a breath…great posts, BUT “notably Western men lost control over women.
Les H
OK pal…take a breath…great posts, BUT “notably Western men lost control over women…”.
DingDingDing…as a happily married guy of 39 yrs, to the same beautiful woman, I assure you neither of us ‘controlled each other’ at any point in our lives together. As a retired geologist, I was lucky to find a partner who could put up with a husband often away 30 weeks/yr.
We’ve seen far too many couples where one or both partners are into too much control, often leading to breakup.
2018 women do not want to be controlled, particularly in ‘western civilization…
Les H
Meant to add…
DingDingDing…as a happily married guy of 39 yrs, to the same beautiful woman, I assure you neither of us ‘controlled each other’ at any point in our lives together. As a retired geologist, I was lucky to find a partner who could put up with a husband often away 30 weeks/yr.
We’ve seen far too many couples where one or both partners are into too much control, often leading to breakup.
2018 women do not want to be controlled, particularly in ‘western civilization…