courtesy The Hollywood Reporter Aug. 4 2018
^Corrupt culture: CBS CEO Leslie Moonves’ allegations of sexual misconduct has trickled down into other levels of CBS, noted in investigations into former NCIS: New Orleans showrunner Brad Kern, Maureen Ryan reports in Vulture. |
+ Kern’s claim: “[The] CBS showrunner repeatedly talked about an actress he hoped to cast mainly because an important executive at the network wanted ‘to fuck her,'” Ryan reports. “According to multiple witnesses who heard showrunner Brad Kern make that statement a couple of years ago, the executive in the anecdote — the one who wanted the actress cast so he could sleep with her — was [Moonves].” CBS denied the statement’s merit. |
* Emblematic of the environment: “When he was not fired once I told this to HR, and others told this to HR, it seemed to me that Les must be enabling this kind of behavior,” one of the witnesses told Vulture. |
+ Moonves’ mindset: “According to a well-placed source with direct knowledge of the situation, Moonves is defiant, rejects the Farrow story as lies, and is determined to hang on,” Ryan reports. “And he has many supporters inside CBS.” [Vulture] |
+ The difference in this #MeToo: William D. Cohan writes: “Those who would prefer that Moonves just vacate Black Rock immediately are getting a chilling lesson in how Wall Street works. Someone who has earned between $60 million and $70 million a year for a decade, and whose CBS stock is worth around $175 million, probably won’t ignore a potential $200 million payout.” [Vanity Fair] |
+ Monthslong probe: CNN’s Dylan Byers reported in the Pacific newsletter that “sources at CBS anticipate their investigation will last into the fall because it involves a review of the entire CBS culture, not just the company’s CEO.” |
The reality of all these cases is that they need to be tried in a court room not in the media. There should also be serious legal repercussions for making false allegations. The expression “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” comes from a play written in the late 1600’s.
Too many high profile cases have fallen completely apart when they get into court. Jian Ghomeshi is a prime example of someone who’s life was destroyed even though he was acquitted of all charges.