What The CHUCK? Corus Radio Introduces Uniquely-Edmonton Station 92.5 The CHUCK




For Immediate Release

EDMONTON, August 3, 2018 – Buff up the Talus balls and grab a green onion cake. Corus Radio is bringing a new feel to the Edmonton airwaves today with the launch of 92.5 The ‘Chuck. Rebranded from Fresh Radio, The ‘Chuck is giving listeners more music variety full of hits and surprises, interspersed with irreverent slices of this city that we love.

“If you live in Edmonton, you’ll get it. We saw an opportunity in the market to introduce an unconventional and original sound,” says Greg Johnson, FM Program Director, Corus Radio Edmonton. “Edmontonians are proud of their city and this station embodies that passion.”

92.5 The ‘Chuck will keep the city entertained on shuffle with an exciting, unpredictable mix of pop rock and variety from the 80s through today. In between the hits, The ‘Chuck’s distinctly local personality will keep things topical with less chatter than any other station in the market.

Join The ‘Chuck Crew out and about this weekend, starting this afternoon in Old Strathcona where they’re dodging potholes and blasting the hits aboard an Urban Pedal Tour team bike. Then on Saturday at the Heritage Festival, The ‘Chuck is inviting Edmontonians to break bread at the city’s largest communal table. Measuring 70 feet in length, take a seat near the main entrance of Hawrelak Park to learn about the brand, check out the local art on the table and enter to win $500 to Skip the Dishes.

Take a seat at The ‘Chuck’s communal table this weekend at the Heritage Festival.
Tune in to 92.5 The ‘Chuck, or listen live online at 925thechuck.ca


92.5 The ‘Chuck (CKNG-FM) is part of the Corus Entertainment Network.

Corus Entertainment
Corus Entertainment Inc. (TSX: CJR.B) is a leading media and content company that creates and delivers high quality brands and content across platforms for audiences around the world. The company’s portfolio of multimedia offerings encompasses 44 specialty television services, 39 radio stations, 15 conventional television stations, a global content business, digital assets, live events, children’s book publishing, animation software, technology and media services. Corus’ roster of premium brands includes Global Television, W Network, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network Canada, HGTV Canada, Food Network Canada, HISTORY®, Showcase, National Geographic, Q107, CKNW, Fresh Radio, Disney Channel Canada, YTV and Nickelodeon Canada. Visit Corus at www.corusent.com.


  1. Not to be a knob, but in a knob-like manner I can’t help but smirk at the “Everything Edmonton” attitude from the news release, followed up by a website full of–right now–Jaden Smith, Ludacris, WWE’s Kane and Donald Trump. Nothing Edmonton.

    That said–firing up “The CHUCK” on the Heritage Day Long weekend, at Heritage events is quite brilliant. Remains to be seen if the station does have a truly Edmonton personality or remains just another place for “announcers” to yap about show biz and bitch about the US president.

  2. When I first saw this, I flashed back to the days I lived in what we all called ‘EdmontonChuck’, Gawd, I’d hate to think, Corus figures that’s all it’s going to take to become localized.

  3. Edmonton is still referred mockingly as Edmonchuck. Edmonton has a large Ukrainian community, and many Ukrainian last names end in ‘chuck’…thus you have Edmonchuck. It is a demeaning term, and Corus, in their ignorance, should be ashamed of themselves.

  4. Also–in reference to “Edmonchuk”–I recall an episode of “Doctor Bundolo’s Pandemonium Medicine Show” on CBC Radio in the 70’s where a crack was made that Edmonton would now be known as the Yukon because…there’s a “Uke” on every corner. Good luck sqeezin’ that trough the SJW/PC filter today !!

  5. I didnt think that this was a big deal but thanks to PSR I am now outraged. My mom was born in Holden Alberta about 60 miles SE of Edmonchuck. Ukrainian family . While I was born in Vancouver my parents moved back to Edmonton for a few years in the late 50s early 60s.
    I expect that Corus did this on purpose to finally give me a reason feel entitled to my apology
    from Justin Trudeau and of corus the bags of cash that Canadians need to alleviate their ever growing guilt.

  6. OMG you people!! Get over yourselves! It’s a radio station. I can tell most of these comments are from people in BC, because people in BC have nothing better to do then get into everyone’s business, and be more dramatic then a grade 3 drama class.

  7. David, Ill have you know that your PM probably taught that grade 3 drama class right here in Beautiful British Columbia. We have every right to stick our noses into any business we see fit.
    Of corus you are entitled to your opinion and of corus its wrong.

  8. The music on this new station reminds me of when CKNG-FM used to be Joe FM, before becoming Fresh Radio.
    Also, the slogan is almost the same. Joe FM: 80’s ,90’s, anything. The Chuck: 80’s, 90’s, everything.

  9. Modern format flips are like a tree falling in the forest. Since radio now spends little or no money on external marketing, it might be 3 years before someone who might love this station FINDS this station. By that point Corus will have given up on Chuck. Radio was the goose that laid the golden eggs. Then corporate accountants thought “maybe we can save some money if we stop feeding the goose”.

  10. I like the idea of Chuck FM; I liked it more when it was JOE FM (circa 2004-2013).
    Chuck FM’s program director makes the claim the station will be “hyper-local, hyper-focused and geared toward Edmonton.” I don’t know what that means, but it appears to be a statement drafted by head office in Vancouver. Putting aside its hyperbolic-non-sensical language, we can conclude the station’s content will reflect the local Edmonton market. This isn’t a new concept. Maybe to executives in Toronto or Vancouver, who have only driven through small towns and cities on their way to and from the airport, this is a revelation, but to anyone who has spent a minute behind a mic anywhere outside a major city this fact is drilled into your head. If I give the programmers the benefit of the doubt perhaps, they know this is an “all hat and no cattle” statement, and they are hoping listeners have a short memory or don’t care. Johnson goes on to explain, “The ‘Chuck” promises to be a new radio experience with less chatter and more music.” This sounds eerily similar to Less Talk More Music. Once again, this isn’t a Tutankhamen-like discovery. Looking at the miserably low ratings for the FRESH format, maybe it’s new for the network programmer{s). As for the “chatter,” I will infer this means talk that doesn’t target the local listener. If you hire interesting, entertaining people with life experience who can tell a good story, you won’t get chatter. To hear how it’s done, listen to some Rob Christie breaks. Also, the CORUS folks could learn a lot by paying attention to NOW when it comes to music format oriented talk. NOW radio continues to kick ass in the ratings. There are multiple reasons for it ruling the roost in Edmonchuk. Focused breaks, good talent, listener interaction. As the saying goes, “Listen to what your competition is doing well, steal it and make it your own.” CORUS possibly stole the Chuck name from some southern stations in the U.S., so ethics aren’t a stumbling block for these folks. The tall foreheads at CORUS have finally closely copied Rogers’ All News format and re-launched CHQT recently. 880’s ratings are lower than a slug’s belly on a parched sidewalk, but I don’t believe the recent spit and polish routine will result in a Lazarus-like revival for the station. CHED could be turned around if they would turf the middle of the road hosts and revisit the days of CJCA’s Weissbach. Peter Weissbach was funny, razor sharp and he reflected the ethos of the early 1990s. He was a breath of fresh air during the stifling Jan Reimer years in Edmonton. Small “l” liberal talk can thrive in a province where over half the population voted right of centre in the last provincial election. Yes, I know the reputation of Redmonton, but there are still enough people in the capital with connections to the roots of the province to keep a strong conservative talk station alive and prospering. But if you are looking for a balance of political views on air, Rachel Notley or Joe Ceci will be available for work soon. What the three-piece suit wearing set in the rarified air in T-O, don’t get is… Alberta; or perhaps they’re too busy taking slide selfies at head office. CISN is fine, I mean if you can’t make money off a country station in cattle country, you are just not trying.
    In conclusion, nationwide CORUS share prices continue to slip, now at some of the lowest in the network’s history after a nearly billion dollar loss this past quarter. Radio revenue for the network is also on a downward trajectory with no foreseeable hope of arresting its precipitous decline. Plus, the network is diverting $150 million towards debt reduction and the Shaw family is looking to unload its shares. So, no money for experienced on-air talent and continued cutbacks. The best thing for radio in the Wild Rose province is for CORUS, Rogers and Bell to sell off their radio franchises and see a return to independent stations and smaller regional networks, accurately reflecting the concerns of the local community. However, I’m not holding my breath for a change anytime soon. Till then I continue to get my local news by reading, my music through downloads or Spotify, thought-provoking talk courtesy of Joe Rogan, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro and a myriad of other smart, curious and funny hosts creating free Podcasts. If you don’t realize the end is near for the big television and radio networks, then, “What the Chuck?”

  11. IMHO, had this station stayed as Power 92 or TOP 40, they still would have had top 5 ratings. Since the format change in 2003 (why was this done???), they never recovered. CHORUS screwed-up one of their best stations in their fleet. By the way I’m was born, raised and still reside in the Edmonton area – no B.C. here.

  12. Okay now I am a true Edmontonian(born,raised and still here). Is The Chuck named because of the Ukrainian population or is it suppose to be WTF because of all the stupid people here doing stupid things?

  13. I was a strong fan of Edmonton 92.5 radio because they actually played easy listening music.
    I now spend a great deal of my time searching for other stations that actually play easy listening music. Funeral hope music, RAP music is not suited to this station and neither are the totally ignorant and annoying strains of commercials.
    CHANGE YOUR lineup 92,5 or start looking at retirement!!

  14. I am an RN of 30 years, now retired. 7 COVID VACCINE casualities(4 deaths, 3 miscarriages) in Strathcona County alone that myself and a friend of mine r aware of. If we talk to each other and share our experiences we may find that there r many more. Fact: 2217 dead from COVID in AB out of a population over 4 million. Almost all had END STAGE TERMINAL ILLNESSES BEFORE THEY HAD COVID. How many children and healthy young adults died if COVID? Do u know? Well, in Canada, only 1oe r, and at least 1of then ALSO had TERMINAL health issues. I know of 8 healrhy oeople PARALYZED from flu vaccines. The healthy r NOT at rusk of dying from COVID. Get ur children COVID vaccinated??? HMMM. As a retied RN, who worked administering aflu vaccines, I say BE CARFUL., because ur children r NOT at risk of dying or getting really sick from COVID. And neither u if u do not already have comorbid or terminal illnesses. Spelling mistakes r not tge issue. So please do not gas light or deter from the message of how important WELL INFORMED consent and choice is important when it comes to COVID vaccination instead of political rhetoric. This text is in response to the rhetorical comments a tadio guy on Chuck ithis afternoon at about 4:10 pm. Do ur research before u offer ur opinion, because outside of the COVID propaganda, there us fair reason to NOT want to get yourself or your children COVID vaccinated. But u probably will not place my comments on your radio show, as it does not go along with the rhetoric or propaganda. So sad.


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