Fox News Channel continues to “be best” when it comes to drawing viewers across the 24-hour day. In July 2018, Fox News marked 25 consecutive months as the most-watched basic cable network in total day by averaging 1.4 million viewers in the daypart, per Nielsen live-plus-same-day data.
FNC was also the most-watched basic cable network for July in prime time, averaging 2.4 million total viewers from 8-11 p.m. That’s +14 percent vs. FNC’s prime time viewer delivery for July 2017. The network averaged 443,000 A25-54 viewers in prime time this past month, +9 percent from the July 2017 average.
But FNC didn’t post year-over-year audience growth in all categories. The network averaged 265,000 A25-54 viewers across the 24-hour day. That’s actually -5 percent vs. July 2017, but still ahead of CNN and MSNBC.
Fox News’s 2.4 million total prime time viewer delivery beat MSNBC’s 1,663,000 and CNN’s 891,000 in July. FNC’s 443,000 adults 25-54 delivery in prime time tops MSNBC’s 309,000 and CNN’s 297,000. In total day, FNC averaged 1,368,000 in total viewers, ahead of MSNBC’s 921,000 and CNN’s 638,000. In the 25-54 demo, FNC averaged 265,000 ranking ahead of CNN with 192,000 and MSNBC with 177,000.
Fox News is less partisan than the Comcast owned networks so they attract some moderates. You have to completely swallow the koolaid to watch CNN so they’re at the bottom of the heap.
The reality is all the “news” channels are really just talking heads peddling opinions and probably shouldn’t be called “news channels”. But then again History Channel has lots of big truck shows and there are no “arts” on A&E so it’s pretty much par for the course in the dumpster fire that’s cable TV. The reality in 2018 is that you are more likely to find actual, important news stories on infowars.com than any of the above.
No, it just tells you that uneducated nitwits prefer dumb and dumber mentality TV viewing. The great unwashed outnumber the educated think for themselves population.
I am ALWAYS suspect of a comment that calls a unspecified number of people derogatory names.
Usually that type of behavior indicates a lack of self confidence and a lack of a valid point of view. (argument if you prefer) .
Just another uneducated nit wits opinion.
All MSM has a bias to an extent. Any madia run by humans will have some bias, but studies have shown Fox News to be more or less balanced on especially Trump related news and stories. All in all about 50-50 pro vs. con. MSNBC and CNN as two US based ‘news’ channels are not even close where the ratio of anti-Trump vs pro-Trump news and editorials is near 95% anti-Trump to less than 5% positive-Trump.
Most western news media are just as bad, CBC and BBC to name two. Talk radio is contaminated now with anti-Trump, anti-US, anti-Capitalism, anti-white male SHITE! Full of pro-cultural Marxist, Feminist, SJW and pro -Socialist B.S. all plagues most western talk radio News networks and printed new media… IT’S NOW QUITE PUTREFYING!
“The great unwashed outnumber the educated think for themselves population.”
This is why they invented punctuation.