Samantha Bee Apologizes for Crude Ivanka Trump Insult: ‘I Crossed a Line’



UPDATED: (Canadian-born comedian) Samantha Bee apologized on Thursday for a vulgar insult she directed toward Ivanka Trump on Wednesday’s edition of “Full Frontal” on TBS, in which she called her a “feckless c—.”
“I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night,” she tweeted. “It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.”
Moments later, TBS also apologized on Twitter, noting that “it was our mistake too.”
“Samantha Bee has taken the right action in apologizing for the vile and inappropriate language she used about Ivanka Trump last night,” the network wrote. “Those words should not have been aired. It was our mistake too, and we regret it.”
In the segment, Bee took aim at President Donald Trump’s daughter and White House adviser for posting a photo with her children on social media after a week of reports that federal authorities had lost track of 1,500 migrant children, and after Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that those trying to come into the U.S. without documentation would be separated from their children.

Many, especially conservatives, slammed Bee’s insult as sexist and drew comparisons to Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet about Obama administration adviser Valerie Jarrett, which got Barr’s hit ABC sitcom revival “Roseanne” canceled earlier this week. Some called for “Full Frontal” to also be axed in response.




  1. Double Standard in play again, and again, and again. Where is the justice, the true justice? Something we never see on mainstream media.

  2. No double standard. Rosanne’s tweet built on centuries of racism and is code language. Sam Bee just used an offensive word. Even far righties who seem to populate these comments should be able to understand the difference!

  3. I understand the difference, Bill, but even taken on it’s own, Bee’s “comedy routine” was still a pointless and vulgar personal attack. Maybe you have no standards, Bill.

  4. Too bad Sam B doesnt work for ABC. They could fire her unfunny Canadian butt out the door. The bar for liberal offensiveness is a lot lower than the bar for the conservatives.

  5. What people like this need to realize is that when’s you go over the top, your message is completely lost. Maybe you had a good point to make, but you lacked the skills to deliver it.

    Norm Macdonald has said that the Trump era has made it easy for bad comedians and hard for the good ones. Whether her comment was offensive or not, it was not clever or poignant.

    I have no issues with people calling for bans etc., and if her employer fires her so be it. It’s a business decision.

  6. When speaking truth to power, or at least one’s point of view to power, comedians should try to aim for the standard that has met success in the past: WWGCS

    What Would George Carlin Say

  7. I didn’t even know who this Radical Left moron was until this incident. And now I know who this Radical Left moron is…..


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