When Gerry Forbes announced his retirement, you can forgive CJAY 92’s competitors for letting out a silent cheer. For over 25 years in Calgary, Gerry’s morning show has been in the top three in a market that is sharply country. In preparing this episode, I reached out to some of the people who had worked with and against Gerry. People like Bob Harris who was his program director throughout the 90’s; Terry Dimonte who went up against him from 2008-2012; and Gerry’s brother Marty who spent his career in Edmonton, and on the management side.
I reached back and asked Gerry about some of the more memorable stunts that he conjured up, what makes Calgary so great, and how one listener would use the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council process against him.
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Special thank to our new sponsors (outside Canada):
Radio Pepper Prep http://www.pepperprep.com
And Aiden Wolf Voiceovers http://www.aidenwolf.ca

Matt Cundill works with radio groups on digital strategies and talent coaching. He recently started the Sound Off Podcast: The Podcast about Broadcast”
E-mail Matt:
Twitter: @mattcundill
” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “