Vancouver Radio PPMs Nov. 27th – Feb. 25th


Demographic: A12+
Daypart: Monday to Sunday 2am-2am
Geography: Vancouver CTRL
Data type: Respondent

Station                                        AMA (000)    Daily Cume (000)                 Share (%)               Trend
CBU+       Radio One                       19.1                         236.0                                    16.7                        +0.3

CHQMFM   QM/FM                      15.4                          431.3                                    13.4                        +2.6

CKNW      News/Talk 980             12.0                          186.4                                  10.4                          -0.1

CFMIFM  Rock 101                           9.5                          210.5                                     8.2                         +0.6

CFBTFM  Virgin Radio                     7.1                         289.9                                     6.1                          +1.1

CKWX     News 1130                         6.3                         202.0                                     5.5                          +0.2

CJJRFM      JR Country                    6.1                           141.7                                    5.3                           -0.7

CKZZFM    Z 95.3                               5.8                         243.6                                     5.0                             n/c

CFOXFM  The Fox                             4.9                         152.7                                     4.3                             -0.2

CHLGFM     LG 104.9                       4.7                          161.6                                     4.1                             -0.7

CJAXFM     Jack FM                         4.3                           161.9                                    3.7                            -0.2

CKPKFM   The Peak                          3.9                          129.4                                   3.4                             -0.7

CBUFM    Radio Two                        3.6                          88.0                                      3.1                            -0.1

CKKSFM     KiSS FM                         2.9                          160.4                                    2.5                           -0.5

KWPZFM  Praise FM Lynden      2.7                            61.9                                     2.3                           +0.5

CISL        Sportsnet 650                    1.8                            44.7                                     1.6                          +0.4

CKST       TSN 1040                            1.7                            55.7                                      1.5                            -0.2

CHMJ        All Traffic 730                 1.5                           83.0                                      1.3                           +0.1

CFTE           TSN 1410                         0.3                            10.9                                     0.3                           n/c

CIRHFM   Roundhouse Radio       0.0                              0.0                                     0.0                           n/c

Spill Stations: CKKSFM (Vancouver/Chilliwack), KWPZFM (Vancouver/Abbotsford)
November 27, 2017 – February 25, 2018
Average Daily Universe: 2,299,000
PPM Top-line Radio Statistics
courtesy NUMERIS


  1. QM rocks Vancouver. Good music, good humour. How does the Fox at 4.3% continue with its currents hosts? The numbers seem weak for the big salaries.

  2. What a bitter pill this has to be for Roundhouse. Does anyone have any positive numbers which aren’t available to the public they can share with us…. like the new morning show in particular

  3. David Bray Media offers some deciphering of the important numbers. CBC adult 12+ up to 15.7 from 15.1 percent. Monster book for QM female 25-54 to 19.6 from 15.4 percent. Throw in their female 18-34 at 21.5 percent. CFOX did nicely owning males 25-54, up to 11.4 from 11.1 percent from the fall rating. NW again stagnant at best, not surprising given their host lineup and story content. Their female audience is non-existent, and bulk of their male audience is 55+, despite their attempt to attract a younger audience. They can forget attracting any females. The radio graveyard is full of stations and PDs who attempted to take on QM. And younger males are not listening to talk radio, including sports talk. NW needs to rethink it’s overall strategy to get back into the game. As it currently stands, they are just not getting the job done, despite an onslaught of formatted ‘bits’.

  4. Terry, the morning show hosts dont make big bucks? Jeff has been rocking the Fox since 1995, I am sure they are not allowed to reduce his salary. And four people are working the morning show.

  5. @just sayin. Being an older male who listens to NW and reading your analysis, do you think that NW should give up trying to attract a younger audience/ go with their strength and cater to an older demographic or just fold the tent and go to elevator music

  6. Are NW’s numbers really that shocking? The PD is an out-of-touch program guy from California. No idea about this market or how to deliver to it. Stopped listening a month or two after he showed up. Sounds like it’s only getting worse. #badhire.

  7. 13


    Total Agreement!

    It is laughable that some that Post here do not get that CKNDP (NW) is nowhere near the Station it once was.

    There is one very important fact the PD at NW cannot seem to get straight.

    “One Must Never Allow Themselves to be Bound by a Straight Jacket of Ideology”.

  8. Morning show on NW is terrible. They need someone with personality that coms across.
    CBC does it again … information …seems to work well

  9. CKNW will decline further thanks to their recent dropping of the longer major news at noon and 5pm. Only 8am still covers more than the usual newscasts.

    NW used to be News-Talk-Sports. They dropped Sports. Then NW was News-Talk. Then they dropped open-line for buzz-line which allows the host to pick & choose which caller’s viewpoints get aired and which are never heard from. Now they’ve curtailed their news and substituted it with Global news.

  10. Steve

    Do not know if CKNDP has talked to her about anything.

    Personally I would treat Christy like Kryptonite if I was a Program Director anywhere but Venus, and I voted for her.

    She must be given 100% Credit for winning the 2013 Provincial Election all on her own but she also somehow managed to “Grasp Defeat from the Jaws of Victory” in the last May 9 Election all on her own.

    She had $ 3 Billion Dollars to do something about MSP and Tolls alone without raising Taxes like the NDP are doing and she missed that opportunity and it cost the Liberals the 4 Seats in Surrey. Disaster.

    Now People have No Tolls but they will pay more with Road Pricing, Gas Tax, and the ridiculous Carbon Tax. A Catastrophe for the hard working Tax Payer of B.C., regardless of their Party affiliation.

    She made many tactical errors in the last Election and the Province will be damaged beyond repair by the time the NDP get through their first two years.

    No Steve, I think you have a better chance of hearing Jack Webster, Dave Barret, or Kim Kardashian, or tim Murphy on CKNDP (NW).

  11. Roundhouse brings up the basement again. This station has gotta make some drastic changes, probably starting at the top.

  12. BMCQ..stay on topic…this site is about radio, and these posts relate to ratings, not what our nutbar politicos are doing, now or in the past.
    You’re welcome ?

  13. Any insight on whether the fact CBC does not have ads puts them at an advantage compared to commercial radio running commercials and giving listeners the opportunity to change the dial as well as offer more programming minutes per hour?

    What stands out for me is how the sports radio ratings hardly justify one station let alone three. Hopefully Bell and Rogers are getting their staff on the cheap otherwise I cant figure out how they can make any money.

    You have to wonder what with 3.4 share up for grabs with sports radio why Bell and Rogers would want to slug it out with each other when you have NW with a 10.4 share of low hanging fruit that they can pounce on pretty quickly with a talk competitor and probably get 3-4 share fairly easily.

  14. Thanks for the vote of confidence BMCQ , the Paris to Vancouver commute might be a bit tough. Paul, BMCQ just wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t do his annual CKNW bashing. Anger, anger, anger. In other words, he adds NOTHING to this world but more bitching about an industry in which he knows NOTHING about. Although after glancing at the ratings, CKNW seems to be holding its own in third place. I guess the sky has not fallen after all. Pffft BMCQ.. ..pffft!

  15. Paul

    Who made YOU PSR Cop?

    Were YOU ever a Hall Monitor while in School?

    If PSR Admin have problem with a Post of mine they will let me know or they will remove it.

    In fact I as explaining to Steve why in my opinion former Premier Christy would not be a popular or good choice for any Radio Station as I feel she is too polarizing.

    If you think that comment is off topic I then suggest you simply Scroll On By.

  16. Let’s be honest here.

    When one is a “3” in a Sea of 1’s and 2’s you might look OK but………..

    Does not work in my World that is for sure.

    One should never be satisfied with mediocrity in life, that is how you end up living in Your Mamas Basement!

    Radio People might know better than me but Ratings can change very quickly and I am going to assume that is a reason why there are “Turnovers” in that game more often than most other Business.

    Todays Flavour du Jour may not be so important to a Fickle Listening Public 3 or 4 months from now and that is the very reason we see changes in On Air Talent.

    Everyone is fighting for the same Listener and there are fewer of them now than ever before years so………..


    A very insightful comment about NW, I have been wondering the same thing for quite some time. They certainly are in trouble if another Station was to hire say Michael Smyth, Jill Bennett and one or two others.

    Perhaps tim can explain to you why you and so many others are mistaken, after all He IS a Legend in His Mama’s Basement!!

  17. Earlier this week Team 1410 replaced the Dan Patrick Show, with over-seas soccer.
    We all know what that means
    – 7 minutes of guys we don’t know “chatting” about “the pitch”.
    – Followed by 18 minutes of vague crowd noise…
    – Then repeat THAT for 2 hours.
    Just SUPER radio entertainment.

    BUT then!
    And Guess What?
    The boys in Vancouver GET A CALL FROM TSN TORONTO
    And suddenly Dan Patrick is BACK ON THE AIR, talking football, and baseball, and March Madness, and spring…
    You know, things that normal, everyday sports fans like to listen to.

    You guys have sh-t programs, and sh-t programming in Vancouver.
    That’s why you rate below the religious station.
    … And the religious station moved to Medicine Hat four years ago.

  18. I forgot it’s all about your world BCMQ. Nothing spells ratings like ratings. The numbers speak for themslevrs. Cumes are cumes, AQH are AQH. PPM’s are PPM’s. 1 2 or 3? It doesn’t matter. What ever your delusiinal world is.

  19. BCMQ….whatever??
    Larry Jordan…agree with your overview with both Rome/Patrick shows being hacked by wacko EPL games taking all/part of their programs.
    Sports talk radio is not dead in Vcr, but 3 local stations will make it dead.

  20. NW sucks. It sucked less when Christy Clark had the mid day slot at NW. I would be overjoyed to see (hear )her back on NW. The PD and Jon McComb might not be as happy to have her back. I think that many very successful radio shows are a combination or a duo format.
    “Start your day with Christy and Jon they will get you to work”. Do I get royalties for the ad campaign? Also willing to put Jon in front of Christy.

  21. But what if 1410 continues with the sports format? Will it ever change? I was hoping that 1410 would switch to a music format or would go all-talk.

  22. Third place. Ah the comfort of knowing that your not in fourth place. At least shaw/corus isnt upset with third place. They run a forth rate media company and between dying cable subscriptions and radio becoming irrelevant third place in the ratings must seem like a win.
    Gavin Bamber the decline at NW from news talk sports has not gone unnoticed. The lack of a sports department must be a real money saver. Maybe they can cut costs in the break room. No name coffee and some sort of cream substitute. Your dead right about the buzz line . Ive had Mccomb edit my buzz line comment to fit his agenda. Although I see that McComb and Sara both take calls now. McCombs screener almosts asks to to swear that what you tell her is what you will say on air.
    I wish that my radio at work would get some of the Seattle radio stations . They still try to do better that third place.

  23. Very interesting how 2 books in, and Rogers appears to be winning the Sports Radio wars. (Yes, I know these aren’t the M25-54 #’s) and I know having Canucks rights SHOULD help (despite how putrid the team is right now) but considering 650’s signal is not very good, and TSN is established…this early trend is very revealing.

    Ultimately, both stations are hemmoraging money and that won’t continue. Two stations fighting over an already small (dying) audience by basically talking about Brock Boeser all day…means that at some point the phone call is coming from Toronto;

    “4 live shifts a day will be reduced to 3, and 2 host shows will be reduced to 1 with a producer”. It’s coming, and a lot of people will be hurt by it.

  24. nw is hard to listen to. so many commercials. a 4 hour show is about an hour and 15 minutes of actual talk time. and of that they have useless segments such as the travel girl talking like the audience is 5 years old, etc. also seems the station is used more just to pump up global news and has lost it’s own identity.

    i will give them credit for getting drex out of drive time and burying him in the overnight slot. he was friggen annoying trying to bring his tough DJ schtick such as cutting people off and insulting them if they didn’t agree with his viewpoint. you could sense a vibe that lynda steele was not comfortable working with him not knowing when he was going to go off. she seems calmer now and has adjusted. she’s got a little more edge to her opinions. she also has bruce allen on as a co-host for a couple hours once in awhile and he is must listen radio. one of the few that can still get away with hard viewpoints and not be punished for it. saying that he didn’t give a crap about druggies dying on the east side was priceless this past friday. alot of people think that but are afraid to say so. bruce just spits it out.

  25. Sean: if Mr. Allen did in fact say he didn’t care about ‘druggies’ dying (I no longer listen to NW), then he once again reveals his true character, that of a boorish example of ‘trash meets cash.’ To use a public podium to denigrate another human being, brings shame to a corporation that hypocritally touts anti-bullying. Shame on Corus.

  26. You mean “FAKE NEWS” 980…….and their Radical Left propaganda…….we are changing Internet providers next month when our Shaw contract ends as they are the majority owners of CKNW via CORUS.

  27. Mr. Allen lost me in 1994, when, on the suicide of Kurt Cobain, he said on his CFOX show, and I paraphrase ‘who cares about that ass—-.’ I see his compassion for the less fortunate among us, has not changed. Would he have said the same thing if one of his clients, Bryan Adams or Michael Buble made that desperate decision to end their life, or, as we all know, succumb to misfortune that leads to that risky lifestyle. I would have thought, that after all these years, and all that we now know about addiction and mental health, he hangs on to his supremist views. It reveals much about his character and moral compass. At the very least, his true ignorance of the issues, shared by those who would never take the time to volunteer on the DT Eastside, but feel entitled to offer their opinion as they ‘drive by’ the problem. CORUS management is culpable in Mr. Allen’s supremist views. Mr. Allen will always have a minimal audience, but it is an audience that does not grow, and impedes the growth of a business, whether it’s media or politics.

  28. Boy, the chatter over ratings on PS always seems to tear away into derisive and mean spirited posts. 12+ ratings mean nothing. Target demos and how they are sold , do. There are many markets where 4th place stations are more profitable than first place operations. Anything that is corporately held will always be subject to bottom line concerns. I cheer for all stations and the people who try to make them the best they can be. Cheer them on, offer thoughtful and positive input, and please stop making this site a hatchet throwing competition.

  29. George

    You are Joking correct?

    Sure, let’s not have an opinion about anything!

    After all It Is “A Race to the Bottom”, correct?

    Everyone Gets a Ribbon!

    Here is a Great Slogan for a Radio Station that I think you will endorse.

    “We are Doing Our Very Best to be Mediocre Just for You”!!

    Has a nice Ring to it does it not?

    BTW, By any chance Do You work at Round House?

  30. As a former resident of Vancouver who listened to Roundhouse more than any other FM radio station (including CBC) the problem with the station is simple. It’s the signal. The signal is gone by the Oak Street Bridge. You can hear it in Cambie Village on a good day. On a bad day some other station walks on it. The signal is decent downtown and in North Vancouver/West Van, but even that isn’t covered. Most of the local college stations have a signal that’s as good or better than Roundhouse. The content is actually quite good but if no one can hear you well…

    As for CKNW being supportive of the left. Do you guys even live in Van? It’s one of the most left wing progressive cities in North America. Perhaps you’re confusing it with Langley or Abby?

  31. Irvine you might be on to something. (not Roundhouse thats a waste of time) Vancouver is a very left wing city. Progressive, inclusive and diversified. Unaffordable, over run with drug addicts, homeless that is out of control. Vancouver might just be the best example of why a city run by left wing ideology is a BAD idea. CKNW should be balanced enough to point this out and hold the politicians accountable for the problems that their ideology has caused.

  32. Irvine –

    I was born in St. Paul’s Hospital, more or less spent most of my Young life on DTES where my Father Worked, went to Public School at 42nd and Ontario and HS On Oak St. built three Houses in Vancouver the latest being a nice Home on the best 1/2 Acre View Lot in Vancouver. I Also own other more Real Estate in Vancouver and other YVR Cities.

    Does that qualify? Mixed Up? Perhaps YOU Rent from me!!

    FYI – the CKNDP listening area is not just Vancouver, perhaps you are mixing NW up with Round House. JFC!

  33. Why would 1410 change formats? It basically costs Bell Media nothing since much of the content is stuff they already have rights to anyway.

  34. RE: Vancouver

    If the local talk station leans a little “left” wing perhaps that’s because most of the city is left leaning. I’m not radio guru, but last I checked radio was a business, it survived on ratings and advertising. Or are you the guys that open up a vegan snack shack at the Calgary Stampede?

    And to address the claims that the drug issues, costly rent, etc is because of the “left wing government” this is nonsense. Vancouver has a drug problem because it is a drug port and has a warm climate. It’s unaffordable because it’s a desired place to live, there is a serious shortage of land & likely because of foreign buyers & speculation. And correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t we come off over a decade of “right wing” government?

    Given that CKNDP does well in the ratings AND it’s on AM and it’s old fashion radio, I’d muster they’re doing just fine especially given the ultra competitive market.

  35. I wonder if selling smith corona typewriters would be more profitable than running a Vancouver concentric radio station?


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