A petition has been launched to lift a radio ban on Hedley.
Via Change.org, the petition to reinstate airplay on Canadian radio is addressed to Randy Lennox of Bell Media, Doug Murphy of Corus Entertainment and Hubert T. Lacroix of CBC Radio Canada, asking the companies to remove a ban on the band’s music following recent sexual misconduct allegations. The petition comes with the hashtag #istandwithhedley.
The petition reads in part:
Let this petition speak for all fans in support of Hedley.
In light of the recent unsubstantiated allegations regarding Hedley, We are calling on Randy Lennox President of Bell Media, Doug Murphy President and Chief Executive Officer of Corus Entertainment and Hubert T. Lacroix President and CEO of CBC Radio Canada to lift the ban of this Canadian rock band’s music on your radio stations.
We as fans are pleading with you to reverse your decision. The claims made on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have yet to be proved and are unsubstantiated. The individuals making these claims have not gone to the police or have given any proof whatsoever. These allegations are just that, allegations with no substance and or police involvement.
You can learn more about the petition here.
Those that do not believe in Due Process under the Law, do not believe in justice. The #MeToo is a social/political witch hunt and in the end will bite back hard against the women and the simps who support its injustice.