Hedley Dropped from Over 100 Radio Stations & Junos Show Amid Misconduct Allegations


The management team representing the group, which originated in Abbotsford, has terminated all “business relationships with the band.”

The rock band, currently on tour in Canada, said touring musicians have ‘unconventional’ lives but ‘there was always a line that we would never cross.’

Hedley poses for a photograph on the red carpet at the 2017 SOCAN Awards in Toronto on June 19, 2017. Members of the band are being accused of sexual misconduct.  (CARLOS OSORIO / TORONTO STAR)

More than 40 Canadian radio stations have pulled Hedley from their playlists after a barrage of sexual misconduct allegations against the band surfaced on social media this week. (The number grew substantially Thursday when Corus added its 39 stations to the list, and on Friday Bell Media’s 100+ outlets and the CBC joined the protest.)

The firestorm of accusations prompted the group to post a statement on Facebook, dismissing the claims from young fans as “unsubstantiated.” But the allegations prompted the Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences to drop the band from the Junos awards ceremony.

Edmonton-based Hot 107 is one of the stations which has temporarily stopped airing Hedley’s music.

“It’s a band of talented musicians but there’s simply too many stories from underage fans who claim they were victims of misconduct,” said Chris Myers, the station’s program director.

“Thinking back to early encounters with Hedley, I may have written off unruly behaviour that I saw first-hand as juvenile and had hoped they had perhaps grown up. It’s really hard to turn a blind eye this time around.”

He added that Hedley was on its airwaves “every couple of hours” before allegations of harassment and inappropriate touching began to surface.

Many accusations can be found on the #outhedley2k18 hashtag on Twitter.

Organizers of the annual music show say it was a joint decision with Hedley “after careful consideration of the situation.”




  1. Hedley has been entertaining teenage girls in their dressing room for many years, its no secret. I am glad the young women are coming forward now. I wonder if all stations in Canada will pull their music.

  2. The new Salem Witch trials circa 2018.

    Lewd talk, followed by likely voluntary actions by fans notably female fans in post concert meet ups results in already oversexualized girls feeling all crazy with fan girl lust over their celebrity music stars.


    When will all this end? After the lunatic, liberal, leftist, SJW, cultural Marxists destroy western society and thus their own live in the process too . BURKAS ARE COMING TO WESTERN WOMEN SOON ENOUGH I GUESS!!!

    Enjoy the futures you all bring upon yourselves. The greatest and in yes, an unfair world the most just and socially kind, progressive society to ever grace this flyspeck of planet, the Western Developed World will be spoken of fondly after the dystopian world of social, cultural Marxism and the intersection with Isalm pass to being.

    We will all long for the FATHER KNOWS BEST WESTERN IDEALS! as we cry with our heads in our hands. Women and children will suffer first and most.. CONGRATULATIONS FEMINISTS, SJW’s AND ALL CULTURAL MARXIST SIMPS!

  3. Sean’s comment makes sense…why don’t we figure out which musical group was NOT complicit in this type of activity…the Osmond’s perhaps?

  4. I agree with Paul Smith. If we dumped every band or singer that is or has been investigated for misconduct…it would be a pretty tiny playlist…

  5. Frank Sinatra, Little Richard, Elvis, Beatles, Rolling Stones, LED Zeppelin, Bill Clinton, and so many many more May never have had a chance to be successful today.

    Hell, Billy Graham may have been Found Guilty in the Court of Public Opinion today!

    R.I.P, Sir!

    Kind of interesting don’t you think?


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