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Home News Industry News Stephen Quinn to Be Next ‘Early Edition’ Host at CBC Vancouver

Stephen Quinn to Be Next ‘Early Edition’ Host at CBC Vancouver


On January 2, Quinn and Gloria Macarenko will step into their new roles

CBC News release    Posted: Dec 11, 2017 


"Gloria and Stephen represent everything that is good and decent in journalism," says Johnny Michel, senior managing director, British Columbia and Alberta.

“Gloria and Stephen represent everything that is good and decent in journalism,” says Johnny Michel, senior managing director, British Columbia and Alberta. (CBC )


Two familiar voices are set to grace airwaves next year as CBC Radio One enters a new era of broadcast excellence.

Starting Tuesday, Jan. 2, CBC’s Stephen Quinn steps into the hosting chair of flagship morning show The Early Edition, while Gloria Macarenko helms the popular afternoon show On The Coast.

“Gloria and Stephen represent everything that is good and decent in journalism,” says Johnny Michel, CBC’s senior managing director, B.C. and Alberta.

“They are engaged citizens, they are in service of the community, and on a daily basis bring the issues that matter most to British Columbians to the forefront.”

“They aren’t afraid to ask the tough questions to get the answers. They embody the best that public broadcasting has to offer.”

gloria macarenko and stephen quinn Van Mag

Quinn and Macarenko are award-winning journalists and hosts. They will start their new positions on January 2, 2018.

Both shows focus on current affairs. The Early Edition is the morning show for listeners to start their day; from breaking news, traffic, to local stories and interviews.

On The Coast features news highlights from the day, stories from Metro Vancouver neighbourhoods, and community spotlights.



  1. Guess that past contretemps over his wife, Rebecca, being then-premier Christy Clark’s communications chief has long since vanished as a cloud over Stephen’s career. Frankly, given the spousal conflicts of interests in Washington DC and Ottawa, the outrage over Stephen/Rebecca always seemed way over the top. Congrats to Stephen on this promotion.

    PS: I’ll have what (age-defying regimen) Gloria Macarenko is having. Why she got the boot from tv to radio confounds. Then again, maybe daytime hours are part of why she looks so smashing in that event photo with Mr Quinn.

  2. While an infrequent listener in the past (no reflection on the great Rick), this will encourage more time down the dial from the Black Tower…

  3. Rocker Rich—I think you’re confusing Stephen Quinn with Stephen Smart, a former CBC staffer. His wife, Rebecca Scott worked for the Christy Clark government. Thanks.

  4. Rocker – you’re thinking of former CBC Legislative reporter Stephen Smart. Stephen Quinn is married to a Globe and Mail arts columnist, Marsha Lederman.

  5. Thanks for setting me straight. With apologies to Herman Cain: “I have so many Stephens swirling around my brain…” Both Quinn and Smart are great communicators.

    As I noted, reporters, lobbyists and party operatives wed, divorce and take up with new insiders all the time in most Western nations. In a perfect world, this might not happen. But solong as everyone avoids acting on pillow talk and just does their jobs, society has much bigger issues to worry about.


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