So sad to hear the news of one of Vancouver’s most popular radio traffic voices, Neil O’Brien who passed away at 47 years old, one week short of his 48th birthday. Puget Sound Radio understands Neil had been going through some bad health issues in recent weeks. Our heartfelt condolences to Neil’s family and friends
I am posting a link to the last time I was on radio with @Neil O’Brien when he was being himself, not doing traffic. He was a guest along with Kuljeet Kaila – they were on Friday With Friends on Roundhouse days before I left the show… Neil was super talented and I think underutilized in our industry. I just loved this guy. Neil was my 1st operator on my 1st radio show Sex Lies & Audiotape with producer Matt White – and we all went together to Rogers when it was syndicated. Can’t believe we will never do this again. here’s the link to Neil on FWF: (Talking about dating)
Neil was a joy to listen to…he kept everything light and we stressed-out souls in traffic appreciated that.
Thoughts to Neil’s family & friends…
Thanks Neil for your good work!
I’m saddened to hear of Neil’s passing. He was a true Traffic personality and a pro in every way.
I wish his family comfort, and know that Neil had many friends in this business and fans on air.
RIP Mr. O.
Neil was one of a kind, hysterically funny with razor-sharp wit. He had an encyclopedic knowledge of a few things including Vancouver’s roads, Wrestling (all promotions) & the worst Sci-fi movies ever made. No one could make traffic sound as entertaining as he could. He will be missed.
Very sad news. Neil made listening to traffic news interesting and entertaining. Listened to Neil on AM730 when it seemed like he was always on and then when he made the move to Ash St. My condolences. Far too young.
So sad to hear this. A genuinely funny, creative and perfectly unique individual. Immediately think of him cocking his head a little to the side with a smile, getting ready to drop a line, which, no matter how corny, invariably left you smiling. Deepest condolences to all his loved ones. Know that he will be deeply missed.
So sorry to hear this news. What a shocker. It seems like he was just on not so long ago. Will miss his reports.
Always liked The Tone of his Voice and his Interesting and engaging way of presenting Traffic Reports.
There was something about his attitude and voice that convinced me he was a Good Person and he was more than likely a Great Individual to work with.
Always Up Beat!
Neil was a great guy to work with. Funny, reliable and just a positive person to hang out with. It’s too bad his wit and intelligence were not used to their greatest potential by radio management.
Neil made coming to work, special. He was incredibly witty, friendly and tender and kind. I was incredibly happy to see him every day….because I know there would be some craziness afoot.
His attitude was superb.
I am so sorry that he had been suffering ill health, for a while.
Neil – THANK YOU. THANK YOU for making some early mornings on KISS-FM, a LOT better. *Neil would sit in, when Fred Latremouille and crew would go on their ‘Wake UP’ trips, and Neil would also do my regular drive show, now and then, and was smooth as silk.
RIP my friend.
My special Thanks for Rhona Raskin’s words. She never disappoints.
**Michael, my friend, this one hurts.
I think it is a Wonderful Tribute to Mr. O’Brien to read the heartfelt comments from Media People on this Blog.
To me the comments point out just how much Neil was Respected by his Peers.
It is obvious to me that Neil O’Brien connected with many people during his life.
I really hope his Family read the comments here!
I will print out all your comments for his mom to read!
Your kind and encouraging words will be a great comfort to her!
I tuned into AM 730 to get traffic news but got entertained instead! What a guy! His voice, wit and sense of humour made my days and eventually, I found myself tuning in with the hopes of catching him cracking some joke about the “Port Mann / Alex Fraser COMBO”! So very sad to hear of his passing….RIP Neil. You will be missed……
I am sure the Family will appreciate hearing from Neil’s Peers!
Gertrud, there are many more comments to Neil’s memory on Twitter and Facebook! He made friends everywhere he went. I often wished my job only involved chatting with him.
What a loss! A voice that lightened the load of being stuck on Highway 1! And I’ll forever remember the expression “bowling-shoe-ugly.”