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Second Woman Accuses Sen. Franken of Unwanted Touching


Minnesota woman says Franken grabbed her buttocks as photo taken at state fair in 2010

courtesy The Associated Press via CBC News Nov 20, 2017 10:34 AM ET

Sen. Al Franken, a Minnesota Democrat, told CNN he didn't remember the photo with Lindsay Menz being taken.

Sen. Al Franken, a Minnesota Democrat, said he didn’t remember the photo with Lindsay Menz being taken. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press)


A second woman has accused Minnesota Sen. Al Franken of inappropriate touching.

Lindsay Menz tells CNN that Franken placed his hand on her buttocks as they posed for a photo at the Minnesota State Fair in 2010, two years into Franken’s first term.

The 33-year-old Menz told CNN that the interaction made her feel “gross.” She says she immediately told her husband that Franken had “grabbed” her buttocks.

Franken told CNN he didn’t remember taking the photo with Menz, but that he feels badly that she felt disrespected.

Los Angeles broadcaster Leeann Tweeden accused Franken last week of forcibly kissing her during a USO tour in 2006, before he was elected to the U.S. Senate.

Tweeden said last week that the Democratic senator reached out to personally apologize to her and that she wasn’t demanding Franken lose his job.

“Yes, people make mistakes and, of course, he knew he made a mistake,” she said.



  1. I find it very interesting how almost ALL Media seem to be downplaying the Al “Scissor Hands” Franken Story when in fact actual Photo Evidence has been provided as Proof of the Assault.

    Then of course there is the actual Aplogy and Admission Of Guilt but Senator Al Himself!!

    Instead MOST Media seem fixated on dwelling on Unproven Allegations and Claims against Republicans.

    Of course that also must bring up the Question of the Very Real Sexual Assaults Several Women experienced at the Hands of Multiple Sex Offender Bill Clinton!

    I wonder if Jake Tapper, Anderson Cooper, or Don Lemon will be conducting Interviews with Al Franken Victims and their Lawyer Gloria Allred?

    Somehow I Doubt It!!

  2. Who does Franken think he is?…former Prime Minister John Turner? For those scratching their heads, google Turner and Iona Campagnola.

    Sorry BMCQ, but Al’s a piker compared to Judge Roy’s alleged transgressions, not to mention Charlie Rose.

    I think SNL got it about right, describing their former compatriot as pathetically sophomoric. Which isn’t to say Franken won’t pay a price. Even if more accusers don’t emerge, I’m betting he will retire rather than seek reelection a few years from now.

  3. Rocker

    As I have stated on another thread Moore may be a bad guy but there are so far only allegations,

    Do you remember the Allegations against the Duke Field Lacrosse Team? How did that turn out.

    Then of course there was the Charges and Criminal Trial with the Central Park Rapists.

    Most importantly Al has admitted guilt and has apologized.
    Al should resign rather than waiting for an honorable retirement.

    I suggest he will attempt to cling to his job as he is not really funny and he would not get many if any offers in the New Entertainment Industry. Of course he will get a Senate Pension and Housing in Minnesota is relatively inexpensive but I still think he will want more income than the Pension Provides.

    More recently Charlie Rose has apologized and Conyers can hardly deny he made a Cash Payout with Tax Payers Money! Really?


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