Peter Weissbach, Edmonton/Vancouver/Seattle/Portland Talk Radio Host, Died Nov. 10th

Peter Weissbach – Talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1980s; on air/PD CJCA Edmonton late 1980s-93; talk host: KBNP Portland 1995; president Questline Productions (WA), Inc. 1995-current; talk host KOGO San Diego 1997; KVI Seattle (nationally syndicated from KOMO Seattle) 1998-2001; weekends/fill-in KIRO Seattle 2004; US syndicated talk show fill-in 2004-09; talk show host KVI Seattle 2009-10; president Seattle Building Maintenance, Inc. in final years. 

Thanks to Vancouver Broadcasters for Peter’s radio itinerary.  David Boze posted the following tribute on his Facebook page.

Remembering my friend, Peter Weissbach:

He was a giant of a man. Standing no taller than five foot six, yet so full of life’s fire, so intense was his inquisitiveness, so forceful was his personality, one could not fail to notice his presence fill any room he walked into. His eyes were abnormally large, expressive, inescapable, and capped by magnificent eyebrows capable of amplifying his every emotion. His voice was rich, deep, and genuine and his laugh was full-throated and infectious.

Peter was a man of contradictions: a passionate defender of Western Civilization who explored Eastern culture and religion; a street fighter and an academic; a rebel and a traditionalist; a man of ego and humility.

Most of all, Peter was a family man. While a fierce business competitor and driven to succeed, intimate conversation would always reveal the driving force of his success–the desire to provide for his wife and family. The same was true of his passion for liberty and the constitution–it was not his liberty, success, and freedom he was concerned about, but that of his daughters and their children.

Peter and I had been friends since the day I met him on my first day in radio in 1999. I became his “grasshopper” and we shared an on-air chemistry that people still ask me about today. The truth is we were the same off air. We enjoyed each other’s company and made each other laugh–and think.

Peter died Friday morning, November 10th after a vigorous battle with cancer. First diagnosed with a rare, almost unheard-of form and given just weeks to live, Peter did what Peter always did–he beat it. But increasing pain told him cancer wasn’t done with him yet and he soon found himself battling more common cancers. This time, they were not to be beaten.

I am proud to tell you that he didn’t go down without a fight. He fought hard and surrender came only when his body was spent–his mind never was.

Peter became a Christian before his death. I think it’s safe to say the conversion surprised him. Peter was always seeking, always exploring the deep questions of life. His final months made that quest more urgent, but it remained honest. He was not a man to commit lightly.

Before he lost consciousness, I was able to have a lengthy visit with Peter and we covered many issues. He gave me the kindest compliment I think I’ve ever received from a friend. I told him we were always better together than separate and I regretted not working together again. I told him I loved him and he told me he loved me too. I thanked him for a friendship I’d always treasure.

I have much more to say about Peter, but I’ve been ask to speak at his memorial service, so I will add to this then. His service is planned for December 2. I’ll post details as they become available. So that family can plan, if you think you might attend please tell me in the comments below.

I’d also appreciate it if you’d share your favorite memory of Peter or message it to me.

My last words to Peter were “till we meet again my friend.” May he Rest In Peace and his family be comforted by the ferocity of his love shown to the very end.


  1. Sad news indeed, but so happy to learn that Peter became a Christian before leaving life on this earth. Thank you so much, David Boze, for the touching tribute.

    I cannot remember the year, but Peter used to give anyone a mug who would submit to being “grilled by Weissbach.” I was fortunate enough to receive both a grilling and a mug. The humorous part was that I tried to convince him that my point was sufficient for receiving a highly-sought-after “Grilled by Weissbach” mug. He duly put me in my place by saying that only he could make that assessment and that my arguments would not be considered! A fun time with a great radio host! RIP Peter.

  2. What a moving tribute you’ve given here. Thank You! I listen to John & Kirby on KVI every morning via the Internet (moved from Seattle to Bakersfield CA to be near family; retired Boeing engineer). Today they mentioned the passing of Peter, or as he called himself, “Weissbach.” Even that was different about him. He was an Original guy, and a genuine one. Always enjoyed his well-thought-out conversations. His was more than just a Talk show. Still recall his great explanation of how one surrenders their precious Life-Blood by toiling daily to earn those precious wages, which represent Years of one’s Life. I’m so glad to learn that Peter became a Christian in his later years. Can remember him calling you “Grasshopper.” An odd name, but typical Weissbach, who came up with so many original nicknames, phrases, thoughts. I wish you well too. Used to listen to you every morning via the Internet, and was very upset when you were taken off KTTH. I wish you well with your career, hopefully will hear you again, soon. Most of all I wish you The Lord’s Peace and Blessings in your time of Sorrow, now that your mentor and friend has passed on into the next life, to a better place as we Christians say. God Bless You.

  3. Weissbach was the kind of PD that always let you know exactly where you stand. I found that an honest, refreshing characteristic that I admired and I came to highly value his opinions. A dynamic presence at the station that I was proud to have worked with, I know that Peter and Tooker Gomberg are already debating the cosmos. RIP Weissbach.

  4. I am proud to say that I have an “I was GRILLED by Weissbach” oversized coffee mug.

    I truly enjoyed his digs at then mayor of Edmonton Jan Reimer, who without even trying, became the biggest comedy hit of the year! I’m not sure if she even understood what was so funny!

  5. Ah yes, remembering Peter fondly. Now cherish my “grilled by Weissbach” mug even more.

    I remember his entrance into the Edmonton Alberta market when CJCA re-launched its self as “the talk of the town”.

    And his shots at the mayor. He dubbed Mayor Jan Reiner ” The queen of green”. When a story ran months later in the local paper about the home town football team with her in a team jersey and the front page headline read, “the queen of green – AND gold!”, Weissbach was impressed that his term for her had now become part of the local lexicon.

    Proclaiming himself the “sultan of sarcasm” and the “prince of prattle”, I’ll always remember how he opened his own talk show segment every day he went on air in Edmonton. He would welcome his audience with:
    This is the show with no false gods and no sacred cows.
    It’s the show that looks behind the facade, pricks the pretensions, and questions the veil we are told is reality.
    It’s the show that encourages you to THINK and, once having thought, STAND UP and SPEAK OUT.

  6. The Weissbach era in Edmonton resulted in change well beyond the signal strength of CJCA. Peter challenged us to challenge ourselves and to believe each one of us had the potential to be an agent of positive change.

    He did not suffer fools and was quick to point out holes in arguments of guests and callers alike, from all political perspectives. He was respected as fair and honest.

    I came to know him off air and we became friends. A friendship of families beyond the daily grind, a friendship I will cherish forever.

  7. Back in the days of Vancouver Radio i met him and i called him one of greatest ever talk show hosts….not from Longevity…their were others in that era….Burns, Murphy, Webster, Bannerman and then Peter….I worked in Radio for a few years and ad agency business for another 30 years….This guy was one of the most intelligent people ever in the talk show business…..just today i thought about him…..and i did a search….only to learn he has gone……he was not a prima donna….he was genuine real people……Wow is all i can say….Great great talk show host

  8. Peter never hid what he was about…..knew him in his talk show days in Vancouver……One of the best ever…..while not long in Van City….he was simply one guy you wanted to know and listen too

    Chuck Gould

  9. Possibly the best talk show host i ever heard…….he was research driven and never let his listeners think that he doesn’t think like them……Peter you were great….i told you so when you were in Vancouver

  10. R.I.P. to the “Coconut”… Peter and Eric Hoffer…Two voices that set my sails to a journey I could never had imagined…

  11. I am regrettably late to this tribute as I had lost touch with Weissbach since a few years following our work together at CJCA in the early ’90s. I was his APD and lived in his home with his family for a few weeks during my transition to Edmonton. I will remember Peter as being a man of vision and commitment to that vision especially when the headwinds were strong. He was ahead of his time in transforming the talk radio market in Edmonton and while there were certainly things we could all agree we would do differently next time, I will always value doing it his way the first time.

  12. I remember 2 words that Peter often used: watermelons and whackjobs. Can someone help me remember about another word he used — with an invite to call in with one: nigglies (?sp)? May our great memories of Weissbach last forever… and we’ll meet again.

  13. What I remember particularly about Peter is that he always went by simply his last name on his show…I don’t know what was behind that, but he was an awesome personality and always interesting.

  14. Peter first broke into radio in Quesnel,BC in the late 60’s. He used the personality of Peter Weston as he felt Peter Weissbach was not as fluid for radio. As he grew in popularity the show name of “Weissbach” was much more refined and had that deep baritone ring to it. Peter Weissbach was truly an intriguing,hard working and amazing person. May you rest in Peace

  15. I found my “Grilled by Weissbach” mug in the back of my kitchen cabinet and got to looking where he was working. Shocked that he passed. He wasn’t just a talking head on San Diego radio, he was a man with an intellect and clarity of thought that was not matched by any other radio personality. What a loss. Loved the man.

  16. I too have a “Grilled by Weissbach” mug. I just learned of his passing by doing his name search to see if he had any audio talk going on the net. I loved his radio show in Seattle and am saddened to hear of his passing. It is a loss for all who loved him, his incite and delivery were exceptional.

  17. I just came to this post late as well. Growing up in Edmonton I always enjoyed listening to talk radio regardless of which station. Peter was truly a breath of fresh air. If my memory serves me correctly Lesley Primeau came onto the Edmonton radio scene under Peters leadership. I called in to his show many times. He was such an inspiration to me that even as I later pursued a career in policing (EPS) I had the opportunity to cohost a weekly talk show every Saturday for 9 years on CHED. Peters influence was truly far and wide. Rest well my brother.

  18. Weissbach was thought provoking, listened to him on San Diego radio late 90s. Does anyone recall his website, weissbach dot com? It had a single blinking eye that you clicked on to enter, and from there you could enter a simple live chat portal. A bit over twenty years ago, seems like yesterday. Hope you are resting comfortably, Mr. Weissbach.

  19. I was just talking to my son about a Peter Weissbach who was the program director for CJCA in the early 90’s. He turned talk radio upside down in Edmonton. The mayor Jan Reimer was the Queen of Green and he would use the term Watermelon to describe someone who was green on the outside and pink on the inside. I looked forward to his show everyday to his show where he would introduce as The is Weissbach. He also had a whistleblower segment where civil workers could use his voice disguised to reveal government waste. A giant personality who divided this city like no other. You either loved the guy or the opposite. He was fair though because he even gave a show to NDP MLA Pam Barrett so that the Left could be represented. I had no idea he had passed until I looked him up online. It was wonderful to hear that he had become a Christian! He seemed irreligious at the time but the Lord can transform the heart of anyone. I never met him personally but enjoyed reading the other comments from people who did. Belated condolences to his family.

  20. I’m also late to the game. My late sister’s birthday is tomorrow, and she was Weissbach’s producer at KEX in Portland. She alwaye said that this was the best job she ever had. Thank you Weissbach, for giving her that.

    PS: I gave them the idea for creating a token of having survived his interviews, which became the mugs.

  21. He was my favorite radio talk show host in Seattle. I still remember him interviewing Fnu Lnu, the sheriff of Freedom County. I still laugh until my sides ache thinking about that interview!

  22. Peter managed a Canadian radio station called CJCA in the 90’s .

    After Peter was fired, CJCA became a Christian radio station,

    Only God knows 🙂

  23. I remember listening to Peter on KVI 570 in the 90’s. He was superb and never afraid to speak up on issues. So glad to hear he became a Christian.

  24. Was thinking about Peter and like the rest of the people here, looked him up only to find he had passed in 2017. All i can say is wow time flies. I met Peter when he arrived in Seattle at the a KVI Remlinger Farm gathering. He was a very kind man and quick witted. Loved listening to Weissbach every day. And the grass hopper for Dave was a take off of TV Show Kung Fu as he was teaching Dave what it meant to do radio which Dave ultimately went on to do. I am grateful to have had him in my life via daily shows and so grateful to know he came to faith in Jesus. Cancer has a way of doing that with many people as it reminds them that this life is short yet you are given time to make things right with God. See you on the other side Peter. May God watch over your family.


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