The Public Eye founder on Canada’s democracy myth, supporting Tyee’s Rafe Mair Fund, and more.

Sean Holman is a pioneer in Canadian independent digital journalism, breaking many stories on Public Eye, the site he founded in 2003, the year The Tyee started. Holman focused his reporting on B.C. governmental affairs, bringing down a minister with one exposé, relentlessly pushing to lay bare corruption and conflicts of interest.
The Tyee caught up with Holman to get an update on his work and invite his reflections on the passing of Mair and the new journalism fund The Tyee is establishing in his name (find out more or contribute here).
Here is what Holman had to say…
On the open ‘conspiracy’ most media won’t acknowledge:
“This describes the state of democratic reform in Canada in the past. It describes the state of democratic reform in Canada today. And it will likely describe the state of democratic reform in Canada in the future unless we educate ourselves about how our political system actually works and start talking about what we actually want out of it.
“As part of that process, I’m writing a book about the early history of freedom of information in Canada. We literally don’t know what we don’t allow to be known in this country. And I think Canadians would be shocked if they did.”