BBC Under Fire for Gender Pay Gap After Salaries Made Public

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The BBC in its annual report for 2016-2017, published Wednesday, touted the success of its big dramas and other shows, but onscreen diversity caused most of the debate.

For the first time, the broadcaster disclosed the amounts paid to staff and talent of more than 150,000 pounds (US $195,000) under a deal with the government, with much discussion focusing on a gender gap in top pay as the BBC said two-thirds of the top on-air earners were men.

Headlines were immediately generated over former Top Gear presenter and Radio Two DJ Chris Evans earning $2.9 million in 2016, almost five times more than the highest paid female, Strictly Come Dancing presenter Claudia Winkleman, who took home $600,000.

The U.K. public broadcaster, led by director general Tony Hall, highlighted that it “was an outstanding year on air with programs such as The Night Manager, Planet Earth II, Taboo, Happy Valley, My Life, Radio 2’s 500 Words competition and the Black and British season.”

Said Hall: “On gender and diversity, the BBC is more diverse than the broadcasting industry and the civil service. We have set the most stretching targets in the industry for on-air diversity and we’ve made progress, but we recognize there is more to do and we are pushing further and faster than any other broadcaster.

“At the moment, of the talent earning over £150,000, two thirds are men and one third are women,” he acknowledged. “We’ve set a clear target for 2020: We want all our lead and presenting roles to be equally divided between men and women. And it’s already having an impact. If you look at those on the list who we have hired or promoted in the last three years, 60 percent are women and nearly a fifth come from a [minority] background.

“Meeting our goal on this is going to have a profound impact not just on the BBC, but the whole media industry,” he added. “It’s going to change the market for talent in this country.”



  1. I have no tears for COMMIE ,BBC, a network hell bent along with mos MSM on destroying itself and hardly the network of the past BUT! maybe there is no pay gap, maybe the point men make more money is because:

    1: More of them have more qualifications.
    2: More of them carry more burden of the corporation.
    3: More of them work harder and longer.
    4: More of them have more seniority.
    5: More of them bring in higher ratings and thus more revenue.

    Maybe also the women at BBC have:

    1: More have less drive to be educated and work to reach for the top as it is NOT in most women’s nature to grasp for the top bar in life.
    2: More refuse to work harder and/or longer.
    3: More take time off/leave, for family and personal reasons.
    4: More bring in lower ratings and thus less revenues.

    HEY LIBERALS/LEFTISTS/SJW’S/FEMINISTS/COMMIES! Not everything in life that is different and not appearing equal in life is some patriarchal conspiracy. MERIT still has some worth today. F**K IDENTITY POLITICS!

  2. People, HEAR ME OUT! TAKE THE DAMN RED PILL IN LIFE! You will thank me for it. If you truly want to see more clearly, see truths and better control of your own life TAKE THE DAMN RED PILL! Toss those blue pills you have likely been taking for much of your life, especially in socialist/sjw Canada away, flush them down the proverbial toilet.

  3. I would also add that the male presenters, personalities and executives have superior negotiating skills (or better agents representing them.) If their pay is cut, then their contract is violated, and these men are then free to move elsewhere, while suing for breach of contract!

  4. What will happen if these but hurt feminists get their way is BBC likely increase incomes of the females even if they are not worth the money, do not deserve it and likely will not work harder, smarter or longer for it. The men at the BBC will see that they will likely have to carry more of the water and not see a commensurate increase in their incomes. Most of these BBC men are likely indoctrinated sjw cucks and will not fight for more as they will not want to be seen as sexist, so they will likely just say. “F**K it why bother pulling a bigger load.” They will go more half a**ed and the BBC in this case will go more and more down the crapper.

    But being its a government run operation and get lots of tax dollars outside of other revenues they won’t care too much. They happily killed arguably one of their most successful ratings wise shows the Old TOP GEAR with Clarkson, May and Hammond all to stomp on these men being well too abrasive, too old school, too not so British like sjw.

    When business abandons a merit based system, that business is well on the way to first mediocrity and later it’s own death by suicide.


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