by Jason Remington
Friday May 26, 2017
Former Metro Traffic reporter/KOMO radio South Sound correspondent, Bill Ogden, has opted not to renew his deal with KLAY Lakewood, as co-host of the [Friday] Mike Franco program. Ogden claims he wants to spend more time with family…Olympia Oldies KGY FM (95.3/KYYO-HD 2) also offers music from the 1940s, specifically, Big Band tunes on Saturday nights. Although a great idea since KUOW dropped The Swing Years program, the KGY offering relies heavily on cover versions of the hits, lacking the wide library of originals…We have said it before – Mixx 96 KXXO/Olympia needs to update their jingle…[PUGETSOUND.MEDIA recently moved the home-office to Olympia. Olympia is a nice place but has gone the way of other Liberal, “progressive” communities, banning plastic grocery bags, charging for the paper grocery sacks and promoting other bullshit causes. Many of the citizens wear white socks with Birkenstocks – and recently, many of the area Snowflakes rioted during May Day protests. Arrests were made – Justice prevails!] …Driving through Albany, Oregon we see that KHJ Radio has been revived in the form of a tribute station, available there on FM. As of this posting there is not an Internet stream for Albany’s KHJ…Someone said it, and we agree – there is no reason to buy the print version of the Tacoma News Tribune, now called The News Tribune [distancing themselves from Tacoma?] because it is OLD NEWS before they print it. Everything in the paper has already been seen on the Internet – days earlier! I remember when the TNT upped the price of the paper to a dime. Now, it is priced way beyond the value of what is offered. Even a dime would be too much to pay. Sorry! But the Internet has killed the newspaper. Time marches on…

Former owner of KRKO Everett, Sparky Taft, ever the snazzy dresser, seen here either fending off the paparazzi with his cane, or taking a selfie.
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