Fox News Fires (Token Liberal) Bob Beckel Over Racist Comment


Human resources learned of the incident on Tuesday evening and fired Beckel Friday

Fox News has fired “The Five” co-host Bob Beckel on Friday for making an insensitive remark to an African-American employee, TheWrap has confirmed.

A source close to the situation told TheWrap that Fox News human resources was informed of the incident on Tuesday evening, did a through investigation within 48 hours and made a determination that he had to go immediately.

Beckel was co-host of “The Five” which recently moved to primetime when Bill O’Reilly was fired from the network amid a variety of sexual harassment allegations. The company has taken drastic measures to improve the internal culture after a series of news-making scandals.

This ins’t the first time Beckel has been fired from Fox News. Back in 2015, he was let go because of “personal issues” after missing an extended period of time while in rehab for an addiction to pain medication.

More to come…


  1. He should have stuck around CNN as a contributor rather than slink back to FOX for the soul-destroying role of a token liberal. Of course, maybe something happened at CNN that led to his exit at that network. What with his past addiction woes, this latest cockup will probably make him unemployable.


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