Why Alternative Media Reporter called PM Justin Trudeau a Scumbag…


Why Alternative Media Reporter called PM Justin Trudeau a Scumbag…

See story on Easton Spectator, Connecting the dots… HERE


  1. J. Trudeau is a closeted Muslim like B. Obama is. IMO, too much video out there to deny it. If not though then he is a pinko/ socialist,/SJW waving the Liberal Party Flag and like all too many commie/socialist/SJW’s using Isalm to further their twisted, anti-freedom, social/political ideas. Just as Islam is using socialists/commies/SJW’s as dupes for their twisted, anti-freedom aims .

    In either case its all “ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND!” These groups all HATE THE WESTERN DEVELOPED WORLD (BTW the greatest society in the history of mankind). But in the end neither Muslims nor Socialists/Communists/SJW flakes are compatible with each other. If either were to horribly gain ascendance, they will QUICKLY GO AFTER, PERSECUTE AND KILL THE OTHERS!


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