Puget Sound Radio heard from Michael Forbes, until just over a year ago, was one of the former hosts of the Forbes and Marshall show on the Ocean, when management released them, because the station wanted to take another direction, meaning demo!

Message from Michael Forbes
As you may have heard Lisa and I are now realtors and at the same time all we’ve heard from people is “when are you getting back on the air” or “when can we hear a podcast” Well, the on air is unlikely but we started a new Podcast today. Its heavy on Victoria and the community and “lite” on real esate. This week features Wounded Warriors and Pat Thomas!
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Hi Guys, can’t tell you how much I enjoyed your first pod cast. It was like this whole past year and a bit had not happened and there you were along with Pat doing your thing and being silly and just generally sounding fabulous.
You have definitely been missed.
Looking forward to your next installment.
Michael, Luna is not the only pet who has issues with an iPhone. At night I put the phone on charge and it’s beside the bed. I have to cover the phone because poor Maxx freaks when the light comes on when a notification comes on.
Keep up the great work
Congratulations Michael and Lisa!
Such an honour to provide your “HOME” introduction, and so glad to hear you again!
All the best to you both as you embark on this exciting new career adventure. You’re a terrific team.
Warmest wishes,
Kerry Campbell