long time radioman Gord Leighton informs us he too, has been let go….

From: Gord Leighton <
Subject: More on Bell cuts
I learned today that my 53-year broadcasting career came to a halt with news that my position has been eliminated by Bell Media. Until today, I was GM-GSM taking care of Sun FM Vernon, EZ Rock in Salmon Arm, Revelstoke and Golden. I started in Feb 1964 at CFTK Terrace as an announcer eventually becoming GSM when I was hired as GM for CKPG Radio and TV in Prince George. During my time in PG, I also served 8- years on the board of the BCAB, two of those as President. I also served on a myriad of other boards and organizations, including TvB, CAB, CBSC and others. I moved to the Okanagan in 2003.
Bell sent me packing just 3-days short of my 53rd anniversary in broadcasting. I am 71 yrs old.
Enjoy your retirement Sir!
thanks for your 53 years of Service Gord Leighton.
Enjoy your retirement Gord, it’s well deserved. Hopefully we’ll see you again at BCAB. Your experience and wisdom are a gift to our industry.
Sorry to hear of you being dismissed in a rather unceremonious way, Gord. It seems to be the way of the broadcast world these days. As you and I both know, at one time the broadcast industry cared for it’s people and treated them with respect. Sadly, with conglomerates taking over, that practice has disappeared.
I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors. Even if that means floating down the river on an inner tube!
Sorry to hear about Gord. We both had our starts at CFTK in 64. We did many of the same things there, including some famous “LIVE” TV ads, before video tape. Our paths were similar and included many successes over the years . A proud career Gord, enjoy the After-radio-Life. Hope to share a beer soon. Dan
It would appear that most of the top 10 PSR posts are related to Bell cutting costs. I guess thats how they came up with the 250k to bribe viewers to watch the Super Bowl on CTV feed instead of Fox