From Dave Sheldon Face book post Jan 3, 2017
I want to give everyone a 2017 update. Please be advised that I am no longer affiliated or associated with 98-7 The Point. I am not going to get into the details of why I am no longer with this station only to say that this had absolutely nothing to do with on-air performance.
This did not happen today, it happened on December 16, just after my Friday show.
I will not be commenting further on 98-7 The Point or my departure from there as there are still moving pieces involved.
I am happy and I am healthy! I can report that I may be close to a couple of different situations and am currently doing due diligence.
I will be continuing my blog Sheldon on Sports while I get the other parts sorted and I look forward to give you all an update sooner rather than later.
So when you tune in today at 3 pm and don’t hear the Dave Show, I am sorry. But I will be back soon and look forward to keeping in touch with you!
Good luck Dave! Hope you land another gig soon!
On a completely different issue, Bruce Allen’s comment on NW today could not have been more offensive. He referred to Downtown Eastside drug victims as ‘human waste’. Mr. Allen’s characterization of those less fortunate is nothing more then bullying, making NW’s Pink Shirt Day hypocritical. When is management going to stop this verbal abuse. To put a label such as this on a person or group of people shows he has no moral compass. An on-air and on-line apology is too little too late from someone who continues to degrade those less fortunate.
Good point. Sad commentary indeed.
First off…good luck Dave.
Now, since this thread has veered into Bruce Allen’s latest Reality Check…his main point–that laws be updated to treat fentanyl trafficking more seriously than less dangerous drugs–is worthy of debate. Where Bruce erred was in attributing the usage and subsequent ODs/fatalities to denizens of Skid Row. Demographically, this drug cuts a far wider swath. (Wasn’t there a recent case involving a middle-class couple dying while their toddler slept in the next room?)
Yeah, Bruce does lash out with comments such as “human trash.” But he’s stuck it out in Gastown for decades and has had to deal with the spent needles, reeking urine and trying to ensure the safety of his primarily female staff. It would have been easy for him to relocate to Kitsilano like colleague Sam Feldman. But he’s stubbornly remained and, along with other stalwart Gastown businesses, placed a marker for the gradual gentrification that’s oh-so slowly underway.
Why does NW still allow Bruce Allen to comment? He is such an old crusty constipated dinosaur. Is NW so hard up that they let him comment at will. I think he still comments on Rock 101. Some tired management person at Corus has a real thing for Bruce. I flip the dial when I hear Bruce is coming up next.
Can only speculate it had to do with lack of payment for services rendered. I would bet I am 99.99 per cent correct.
I have asked this before , how do they do it? Revenue for that station must be close to nil. To answer my own question, I suppose they do it by not paying for things like talent.
I have no ill will towards McBride or his station , it just boggles my mind how they keep it on the air.
Good luck Dave with whatever you might have brewing.
I never listened to Dave on The Point but unless he has learned that there is more to sports than golf, he will never be taken seriously. When he was at ‘NW he often went through a whole supposed sports cast talking only about golf – even if the Canucks or Lions or Whitecaps had played the previous night. One horse wonders never have success!!
Seems he talked about the Giants a lot at the point.
Dave’s “Point” situation may be similar to a few “Pulse” victims
I am one of the few defenders of Mr. Sheldon’s radio career on this site, like I was with Steve Darling. Many of you never liked Dave Sheldon from the get go and your grist for Mr. McBride is even worse. It mostly has to do with your dislike of sports, in general ?
Regarding him being ripped off, pay check wise, prove it, from a reliable source. Or, just fuck off with your rumours !
Dave will obviously rebound, like many others. I wish him well. Thanks for promoting the Coquitlam Express and Junior A hockey.
As far as preoccupation with golf, NOT true. Did any of you listen to Dave’s show ! I did and he didn’t dwell on golf.
Overall, I think that Dave is a decent talk show host and someone will hire him.
Bruce Allen is the best thing ‘NW has going. Which is why they air his segments in the heart of the noon hour AND during morning drive, AND why sponsors pay top dollar to air their ads around him.
Yes he’s edgy and opinionated. He’s supposed to be.
His refusal to bow to political correctness is a daily blast of fresh air.
He’s also well very traveled and well informed. He knows what works in big cities and what doesn’t…. And, if you listen to his segments regularly, you’ll find that – on the whole – they’re well balanced and fair.
If he made the error of calling people “human trash”, I’m sure he’ll “own up” to that mistake – on air.
By the way, are Allen’s offices in Gastown?, or at Hastings & Carroll -which is right in the heart of that mess.
As “Rocker Rich” mentioned above, Bruce Allen could have plush offices anywhere in the city. But he talks the talk, so he walks the walk – every day.
So when he talks about “waste” both in terms of tax dollars and human lives, he knows very well whereof he speaks.
Of course it had to do with money. Most staff members there work for free or do it to build their resume. Sheldon probably got the blame from McBride that he didn’t bring in enough clients and sponsors. CKPM should come with its own health warning.
Dave talks too much golf, especially his own game. He doesn’t really know the PGA Tour very well, and promoting local pro Fraser Mulholland as a “Tour Insider” has also been wrong. Historically he has used his show to leverage free lessons and greens fees. It’s bad radio.
Nice guy, doesn’t really belong on radio. Reading between the lines I would speculate that payment or compensation are the issue. Best of luck to him.
I’m sorry, but having your offices in Gastown or Hastings/Carroll doesn’t make you any more sensitive to what’s going on in the East Hastings area. Really – “he walks the walk” by having his office in that area. That’s a ludicrous statement.
There’s a lot of dumb comments I read on here, and that’s right up there with it.
Hey, I work at Burrard and Thurlow – so I’m REALLY familiar with the consumer obsessions of young, single 22 year olds that shop on Robson. I should talk on radio about that.
Hey, I live in Richmond…so I’m super, duper familiar with how Asian money is changing. I should become a real estate expert on local TV
“Hey, I live in Richmond…so I’m super, duper familiar with how Asian money is changing. I should become a real estate expert on local TV. ”
Good one. How’s this: Hey. I live in Hell. B.C., so maybe the devil I know is better…. than the devil that I don’t know.
“Dave talks too much golf, especially his own game. He doesn’t really know the PGA Tour very well, and promoting local pro Fraser Mulholland as a “Tour Insider” has also been wrong. Historically he has used his show to leverage free lessons and greens fees. It’s bad radio.”
It’s no different than NW trotting out Jay Janower/Doug Eberhardt back in the day.
Never caught Dave on McBride’s little station..Not much of a market for sports guys in Van these days…
Bruce Allen..Probably most dialled-in guy in Van radio..Calls it like it is, good on ya Bruce!!
Not that Bruce Allen needs anyone to defend him . He as many others have pointed out is a very controversial voice at NW. If it wernt for the bunch of bleeding heart liberals aka mcguest his segments would only garner approval from those of us that are clear thinkers. (hows that for a Bruce Allen type rant). He has indeed worked in that cesspool long before it became a destination for those that we have abandoned. REOPEN Riverview. Jail drug dealers. Force addicts to enter rehab Stop paroling repeat offenders Get tough on crime. Stop wasting time and money on bike lanes we already have roads. Leave the viaducts alone. Get rid of Gregor Robertson.
Yes indeed Mr Allen is a okay.
Did you just call me a “bleedin heart liberal”, 13?
Wow. Ouch. What an insult.
My point was Mr. Allen calling another human being ‘human waste’. Did he ‘earn’ that arrogant bully tactic at his office? No, what all of us have to understand, is we are all but one medical (eg: schizophrenia) diagnosis that can take you from the corner office to the street corner. It is clearly obvious he is ignorant of the complex issues that many well-meaning people are trying to get a handle on. Those people are the compassionate one’s on the front line, in what is called ‘the mud, the blood and the beer. Mr. Allen is not one of them.
It’s really disrespectful when a Dave Sheldon thread is somehow high-jacked by some buffoon named Bruce Allen. Why not just start a buffoon thread?
Dave Sheldon is clueless hack when it comes to sports.
Looks like McBride hasn’t paid his online streaming bill either.