Paul Kaye is the National Talent Coach for Rogers Radio. He held a similar role at Newcap in Calgary (Amp 90.3) and Vancouver (Z95.3) before heading to Toronto to join Rogers owned Kiss 92.5. His blog posts are widely shared and refreshing in a era where what constitutes great content is frequently contested. What’s really encouraging is that the positions involving “talent” and “coaching” are (re)appearing in companies across North America.
Also – “There’s a podcast for that!”, 2016 is the year of the retiring sports announcer, and the benefits of putting your work up on Soundcloud. You never know who will hear it.
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“With 25 years of radio experience programming and as on the air performer, Matt Cundill provides branding solutions for radio stations and online media. Matt is also an accomplished Voice Over Creationist for clients like Cabelas Canada and the Nova Scotia Liberals.”
Twitter: @mattcundill
Sound off Podcast
” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “
alright Matt, I’ll subscribe to your podcast.
Thanks Jeremy! Much appreciated!
Just trying to understand why I should subscribe to your podcast. So far all of your podcasts are with “radio people”. Who is your customer for these podcasts? And what type of a client would want to sponsor your podcasts?
Hi Teddy:
If you like radio and Broadcast, it’s a place to hear stories from those in the industry. Althpugh we have had podcasters, podcast businesses, industry columnists and others on. With both podcast and radio both using audio in different ways, it’s natural to have more radio people on. I do have 2 TV personalities scheduled for the first quarter of 2017.
“Subscribing” is generally beneficial for both the podcaster and the listener as (depending on your phone settings) you’ll receive a notification or an automatic download when an episode is released. In terms of clients, it’s anyone who wants to reach broadcasters.
Thanks for responding Matt. I would think that those who achieved limited success in podcasting have likely used main stream media successfully to give their podcasts a spring board. Take a guy like Chris Jericho the wrestler who has been in front of millions each and every week for so many people. Without that WWE audience no one cares about his podcast. And I get the idea of downloading the podcast to listen at a later date but just like last year’s Russell Peter’s Christmas special that I recorded, I have yet to watch. And who the heck wants to reach broadcaster’s?
Podcasting is really about brand extension. Want more Y2J? There’s a Podcast for That.
The podcast industry is struggling with metrics as much as TV/Radio because of the example you cited; people download it but may or may not have listened. Stitcher can track this, Apple does not. Even Kevin Smith told us at the Podcast Movement in Chicago that he breaks even, but uses podcast as a creative outlet. (As do I)
If you listen to the podcast, there are a few people who have found being apart of a podcast useful. I can assure you there are people heard this week’s episode and said, “I like what I hear from Paul Kaye – I want to work with that guy.” Or learn Voiceover from David Tyler, or hear what Marty Forbes thinks about broadcasting today. The podcast industry even has someone who pairs guests to podcasts.
As a business owner involved voiceover and radio consulting, reaching broadcasters/podcasters through podcast is part of my marketing plan. That and I love the podcast medium and find it a lot of fun. As I told Pete Marier today, (former CHOM/BOOM personality) “I am going to have these conversations anyway, may as well let everyone listen.”