NFL’s ‘Monday Night Football’ Keeps Dropping In Ratings

By Brandon Katz
Wednesday October 5, 2016
It seems likely that the numerous #BoycottNFL online campaigns and fan outrage aimed at the National Anthem protests in the NFL have taken a toll in terms of viewership this season. Additionally, cord-cutting continues to eat into traditional TV’s ratings at an alarming rate. But could there be something else at play?
We’re barely a year removed from the NFL setting all-time records in viewership, yet now the league is on pace for its lowest ratings in years. That’s a sharp and unexpectedly sudden turn.
Given the politicized controversies and the variety of streaming options this year, have we reached a cumulative point of football fatigue? The numbers suggest so.
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I used to watch Monday night football faithfully but the reason I don’t now is whoever makes the schedules never puts any good teams in. Last year teams with losing records not able to make the playoffs were featured almost exclusively towards the end of the year. Now if it were final week of the season and 2 teams with playoff futures were playing I would make it a point to watch. Even on Thursday I don’t watch as much as before.
Transmitter Terry has it right on. NFL mostly hype for the sponsors. Am right back on the CFL bandwagon. Hey .. one of the best games of the season was the Ottawa/BC matchup. What a game for sports fans ….