Message from Kirk LaPointe of Roundhouse Radio
It has been a privilege, and no small physical feat, to awaken around 4 and get to Railtown to be ready for the 6 a.m. program each weekday.
I’ve been host of about 200 shows and we’ve had about 1,000 guests. The conversations have been extraordinary: a prime minister struggling for his political life, an Olympian newly-minted as a gold medallist, a resident of the Downtown Eastside struggling to get back from the brink. I could go on and on, and I will — but in the evenings now, where the environment for conversations and the available audience are more time-generous.

Martin Strong and I are effectively switching roles, and I hope you will find both of us regularly as listeners of a station that has an ambition to serve and strengthen Vancouver.
I am grateful for the time you’ve spent with us. My body is grateful, though, that I might now sleep a little later before embarking on the day.
My new show starts Wednesday, September 7 at 6 p.m., and we’ll have many of the contributors and features from the early show, along with a few new moves. Your comments and suggestions are always welcomed.
Kirk LaPointe fired Jim Munson from CTV to almost universal outrage; right up to Prime Minister Jean Chretien who appointed him to the Senate.
This is a good move. Kirk is an excellent interviewer, but his laid-back style, IMHO, was not a fit for morning drive. Congrats to both Marty and Kirk!