Friday July 29, 2016
When Willamette Week reporter Peter D’Auria began combing through that recent Wikileaks dump of Democratic National Committee emails just as the DNC opened its convention in Philly this week, he wanted to see if any top Oregon politicians might have been mentioned anywhere in those emails.

During his search D’Auria discovered that one prominent Oregonian did receive some pretty significant mention — longtimeKXL/Portland talk host Lars Larson.
Seems a DNC staffer listened quite closely to a May interview Larson had with then GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump, summarizing in detail the questions and answers from the interview in an email to committee officials.
Saying he wasn’t surprised that his show was being monitored, Larson quipped to D’Auria, “I think this is one of the ultimate compliments.”
Read the full story HERE.