We understand because tomorrow is the Canada Day holiday, today will be Terry’s last day as pm drive talk show host. Friends, including his former boss and friend Mel Cooper and others will be in the studio this afternoon with tributes between 5:30 and 6pm Today!
Terry Moore confirmed on air yesterday afternoon that this Friday he concludes his role as host of the 3-6pm talk show slot on C-FAX. This is not the first time Terry has left CFAX. Back in 2007 it was speculated Terry was planning to retire, but then returned to CFAX to take up the pm drive right up until this week. We just learned Terry was born in 1929, which makes him 87 years old. Retirement is not on his agenda, which is great.
Terry’s wife’s health is not the best and he wants to spend more time with her. He will continue to do his Saturday car show on CFAX and fill-in for other hosts when they’ve on vacation
Thanks to Gord Lansdell’s VancouverBroadcasters.com for providing Terry’s bio
Terry Moore – CKUA Edmonton; CFCN Calgary; CKFH Toronto; mornings WTFM-FM New York; talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1970s; CKWX Vancouver; CKNW New Westminster 1980-92; author household hints publication Toothpaste & Peanut Butter 1988; talk show host then mornings CHQR Calgary 1992-99; news anchor CICT-TV Calgary 7 early 1990s; p.m. drive talk show host CFAX Victoria early 1990s-2007; co-host Wine Talk CFAX weekends 2005-current; infomercials CFAX current; daily talk show host CFAX 2012-current |
Terry, you will be missed.
A great talent, and what a fabulous career !
I remember Rafe Mair–a few years before his exit from CKNW–opining that he and Terry were “a lot closer to the end of (our) careers than the beginning.” By moving to Victoria, Terry enjoyed an extended time behind the mic, not to mention the joys of inhabiting a much more livable city.
Looking forward to your substitute gigs, Terry.
I remember how enjoyable he was to listen to in Vancouver. You know you have really made it in the Vancouver market when you get kicked around and fired at least twice here.
Will miss Terry’s show. What a pro, and so knowledgeable about so many topics. Best radio voice on the air.
Nowhere in the article does it say which date was actually his last day working. If it wasn’t for finding it in the footer, I would have been left guessing how old the article was.
I remember good times at Expo, RVYC sail pasts, and Whistler. Terry brought Joy wherever he went,
A great guy with a great women
Keep making us laugh my friend
Bruce Milley