Courtesy of
Kelowna, British Columbia
May 27, 2016
Radio listeners of Kelowna are continuing to tune in to the CBC.
The top radio station in Kelowna, according to the latest radio ratings book released this week, is once again CBC Radio 1, taking a strong lead in the market in the spring ratings book.
The ratings released by Numeris, formerly the Bureau of Broadcast Measurement, shows CBC Radio 1 now holding 16.2 per cent of the market share, up from the 15.8 it held in December.
EZ Rock made major gains in this rating period, snatching second place from Country 100.7.
According to Numeris, EZ Rock now boasts 12.3 per cent market share, up from 9.7 per cent in the last ratings book.
Country 100.7 dropped just one spot to third overall, grabbing 11.8 per cent market share, down from 15.7 per cent in December.
Juice FM saw a significant fall in ratings, dropping from third spot overall to eighth overall, going from 10.5 per cent market share to six per cent.
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Castanet-Using the only information that was made public to the public. Ad agencies don’t ever use this number to buy stations. Can someone supply 25-54 for us ?