There was a time when the phrase “easy listening” was not a format, but just a part of the top 40 patchwork…one of the most influential groups that would influence the form was Everett Washington’s Fleetwoods…their biggest hit was Come Softly to Me, but this one was a very close second…without this trio, there would have been no Carpenters, and, indeed, a lot of other very popular groups that followed might not have existed either.

Greg Simpson firmly believes his career in the music industry officially began on March 14, 1965 when a band gave him ten dollars as commission for helping them find a gig. He hasn’t looked back since then and looks forward to celebrating his fiftieth in 2015 with an enormous party paid for by the hundreds of dollars he’s made since then. His career has covered all aspects from radio for many years, and including working for record labels, artists and, since 1992, Canadian Music Week where he programs the radio stream and manages all conference streams and events in real time annually. He also attends half a dozen conferences a year doing research for CMW and is generally accepted as a knowledgeable cat with a few stories to tell. At the root of it all, though, is his undying love for music and musicians.
Greg Simpson is the author of ‘Today’s Almost Forgotten Track’ (TAFT)
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The Fleetwoods were from Olympia. They took the name from a popular telephone exchange.
Thanks for the correction, Dale. Sincerely appreciated…