One of the nicest guys ever in Canadian radio, Rudy Hartman, turns 99 on Wednesday April 6th. He’s still got some of the best pipes ever to be heard over a Vancouver, Victoria or BBC microphone (during WWII), and while his health is not the absolute best, he still manages to make it to our monthly luncheons of the Victoria “radio bunch.” We had an early 99th birthday party for him Monday afternoon, with a delightful birthday cake that he thoroughly enjoyed.
And Rudy still has all his wits about him, which means he can enjoy a good conversation … and a good joke.

If you ever worked with Rudy during his stops at the pre-rock CKLG, CHQM, CJVB, CJVI or CFMS, or if you remember him as a listener, I know he’d be delighted to hear from you. He is residing at the Berwick Retirement Home on Elk Lake Drive, and can be reached through their switchboard at (250) 386-4680.
Thanks to Gord Lansdell at Vancouver Broadcasters for the solo photo of Rudy.
A true gentleman. We crossed paths often at CKDA/CFMS back in the good old days. Happy Birthday Rudy and wishes for many more to come.
Happy Birthday Rudy.
I have fond memories of our time together at CFMS and your mastery at pronouncing all those European classical titles. I benefited greatly from your generosity and consider you the best boss I ever worked for.
Rudy was my first broadcast boss at CFMS, when FM radio was something that nobody had on their car radio’s or in their homes. Doing a show there was pretty much just entertaining yourself.
But Rudy took it all very seriously and insisted on ‘professional’ behaviour on-air….hence…I suspose I drove him crazy.
Great to hear from longtime radio buddy John Mitchell. Rudy hired me, John and Gordie Tupper when CFMS was launched in 1965. We were referred to as the Three Amigos!
Many happy returns of the Day to a fine gentleman name Rudy Hartman.
hApPy DaY Mr. Hartman. I was at CKDA 74-75.
Happy Birthday, Rudy.It’s been a long, long, long time, but I still remember the expansive CFMS studios next to CKDA. Actually, not so much studios as A Room. Sorry I couldn’t take it more seriously, but when the studio is the size of a compact walk-in closet, that’s a task. Congratulations on reaching your 99th year! Hope I can last that long.
Doc (Gil) Harris
Mr. Hartman; Thank you (along with Mr. VB) for hiring me at CJVB in 1986, after a 1986 BCIT practicum .
I think one of my fondest memories is your presentation of “Music For The Millions” each weekday afternoon from 2 -3pm. What a great way to learn about classical music.
Hope you are having a great day.
Happy Birhhday Dear Rudy. Oh my gosh it’s been a long time since see last spoke. I back at CHQM and you the manager at CJVB. You’ll recall our crazy launch of CFMS Victoria on March 15 1965, an unglorious event from a concrete block transmitter building high atop Triangle Mountain many miles outside of Victoria. The short story was that our STL ( studio link) from the basement of the grand old Douglas Hotel failed the day before the ON AIR launch. Our chief engineer Jim Boydreau moved the console, 3 Ampex 350 Strreo R-R machines, an Ampex 600 R-R tape deck 2 turntables, a couple of mikes, amplifiers and literally ran cables straight into the transmitter. Wow- we were late getting on air which resulted in a lot of dead air on CKDA which had connected to our feed for the inaugural broadcast. We broadcasted from the mountain for 3 months. Oh, with zero personal facilities, no running water etc. Rudy I would love to talk to you. My number is 1 250 675 3030. Cheers! Terry
Wow. A bit late but here’s to more Happy Returns for Rudy, who hired me and put up with my quirks at ‘VB from early 1973 till even after he retired. He did some news shifts till some time in the early 90’s.
Rudy Hartman was the best: Never saw him mad, always glad to see you, no wonder he is around at 99. Happy Trails Rudy. One of radio’s great guys……….Fraser