Rumour has it Jody Vance and Breafast Television are no longer! Having checked out the BT website she is no where to be found. PSR tried contacting Jody but so far no response. We’re not sure if Jody is still with Rogers or she was part of the Rogers planned cuts announced in February.
Lots of amicable tweets from BT staff etc. so it’s not clear what has driven this.
Well my dear Jody, welcome to the growing list (including me) sarcastically called the Rogers Rejects..lolololz
Hi – this is not bad news to me. I was not a fan. I see Kyle Donaldson is sitting in with Riaz right now. Hope it stays that way. I really like Kyle and Riaz together.
Jody was the only reason we “choked down” BT. It’s become too tabloid for us!
Get rid of Kyle too up tight
Makes no sense, one of the most liked Vancouver personalities on morning tv. Corporate idiots.
Loved Jody on BT she was the personality that had me tuning in each day. Miss seeing her and the great job she did for the show. Not the same… will change stations.
This gives me good reason to watch Global…
Miss that great energy of both Jody and Michelle!
Kyle Donaldson always responds with snark whenver Thor shows videos of people who create machines or artwork that amazes the mind. “He must have a lot of time on his hands” and “Does he have a girlfriend?” are common putdowns he uses to diminish the creative efforts of others. Too bad about Jody, only reason I watched BT.
bring jody back, riazz always away, dead pan boring, no energy guy.
Too bad, we love d Jody . We have stopped tuning in daily . Ironic that it is the ladies they are cutting, when demographics indicate we are their audience. watch out Dawn you could be next.
Just watched B T for this first time in ages .Jody Vance gone?? THANKYOU.
Very self centred and arrogant. MIss Dawn was back hopefully for good. Easy on the eyes and comes across as a genuine and a human person that is capable of being flawed.
Vance was too nose in the air.
I agree with Murray. I’ve with dealt with Jody once and tried to be pleasant but yes she came across as an arrogant biatch. Just trying to say “Hi” and I got a big brush off!
The weird part is that was the first time a met her. This was a number of years ago.
Just wanted to add my two bits. 🙂