By Marty Forbes
Monday March the 21st, 2016
i’m a lucky guy owning my own company Radiowise Inc.
As well as my wonderful gig writing in the Edmonton Sun I get to consult radio stations (got a great project underway and will tell you about it later) fabulous businesses like the Telus World of Science (Sherlock Holmes opens this week), and I also get involved in emerging social media trends that keep me on the leading edge of new apps and concepts.
In the US ‘podcasting’ is growing very rapidly. For example if you check out you’ll find some of entertainment’s finest talent doing special shows just for internet consumption.
Each month more than 130 million people download shows from the likes of Adam Corolla, Larry King, Shaq, Dan Patrick, Dr. Drew, and more. Edmonton has a burgeoning podcast scene too with some excellent products being produced.
My first Canadian podcast is well underway and debuts soon featuring one of Edmonton’s most entertaining guys – Jungle Jim Jerome.
Jim has mc’d several huge sporting gatherings over the years; entertained on morning sports radio, and has one of the largest Rolodexes (old school) of contacts in the business.
When Jerome was asked why this now…”I’ve got an itch I wanna scratch from my 13 yrs on radio. The success came from knowing what everyone was thinking but afraid to say it. I said it. A podcast cracks that wide open. I thought I’d run the idea by one of my mentors in radio, Marty Forbes, and he said lets do it. Now I can blame him if it tanks. I’m in!
Jungle Talk will be debut in the next month or so as we finalize productions, and the difference in this podcast is that it is ‘totally’ unregulated; not sanctioned by any restrictions from sports teams broadcast rights; and asks the questions that ONLY Jim can ask from the likes of Wayne Gretzky, Marty McSorley, Chris Chelios, Jari Kurri, Dave Semenko, to name just a few, and we’ll also be interviewing some “Large” sports writers too (just wait Terry) – the folks who have covered major events all over the world – taking in the Olympics, Canada Cups, etc. and these journalists have great stories that, likely, haven’t been in print.
Very simply Jim doesn’t care about sports guys Corsi results or how many Stanley Cup rings they’ve auctioned off on eBay cuz he’s going to zero in on topics you simply have NEVER heard on the radio or seen on Television.
Jim adds “these guys do get the same questions over and over again and they have so much more to say. They live interesting lives ‘off’ the ice (and fields) with spouses, kids, travel stories, tips, opinions, and fun stuff that just never gets to make it to mainstream media. I talk to them like they’re my friends – and there are some great great stories we’ll be airing with Jungle Talk.”
Like our Facebook page “Jungle Talk Podcasts” or follow us on Twitter @junglejerome or @mjforbes – and watch for the Jungle Talk Podcast when it comes available.
Finally, in radio land I’m also very proud of my ‘brothers and sisters’ in the business and I have life long relationships with some of the most talented folks in broadcasting.
Last Wednesday many of us gathered at MKT to send well known broadcaster Len Theusen off to retirement land. If you grew up here in the 70’s you likely heard him on 630 CHED. In the 80’s and 90’s likely on K-LITE (now Capital FM) and over the past 15 years you may have had him as your Account Rep at The Bear if you’re in the advertising business.
Known as the “class of the industry” many of the best in the biz saluted Len with a great video and a few speeches. The picture is of the guys who worked at 630 CHED one of the most dominant radio stations in the history of broadcasting from 1970 onward – including (left to right) Gord Marriott, Len, Billy Williams, Keith James Jr., Rob Christie, Bob Layton, Daryl Hooke, Al Anderson, (Me – representing my Father the late Jerry Forbes who was GM at the time) and current 630 CHED morning man Bruce Bowie. More than 450 years of experience but more importantly “friendship.”
Enjoy the most important time of your life Len.

(Photo: Georgia May Theusen, Lens daughter)
Marty Forbes
How many total yrs of radio are in that photo?
Mentioned in the column best guess would be around 450 years…and many with some of the biggest awards in the industry OR huge community supporters. Al Anderson is the most ‘mature’ guy in the photo and worked at CHED in the 1960’s. Rob Christie (Robert G Lowe) and I worked together at CKXL Calgary. Daryl Hooke has been involved in Santas Anonymous for decades and helping launch the Jerry Forbes Centre for Community Spirit that is under construction at this writing.
Wow. So incredible to see all of you in the pic. Marty, thanks for sharing.
Len – congrats…enjoy. All the best.
Charlee Redman