Heartfelt Condolences to our friend and radio historian Donovan Tildesley and family, who’s dad Hugh Tildesley passed away earlier this week.

Donovan’s brother Hamish pays tribute to their dad on Hugh’s blog, a blog he had been using as a public diary since last spring when it was discovered he had pancreatic cancer. In conversation with Donovan, he told me it was his dad who suggested the young six year phone Don Percy during his morning show on CISL in the early 90’s. In recent years Donovan and his dad visited Don in Winnipeg and both Donovan and his dad were invited on air, an aircheck Donovan plans to present in his Donovan’s Aircheck Corner coming up on Monday.

A note from Donovan;
Thank you all for your tremendous support. The many messages I’ve received over the last few days have been absolutely heartwarming, and really add a positive aspect to this whole experience.
In lieu of flowers and gifts, the Tildesleys suggest making a donation to Pancreatic Cancer Canada. Memorial tribute gifts include an option for notifying the honoree’s family. Should you wish to include such a notification, please use:
Deborah Tildesley
3970 West 22nd Ave
Vancouver, BC V6S 1K1
Sorry to hear. Hope you’re doing OK