Tammy Moyer Succumbs to Cancer

Tammy Moyer is a vibrant, beautiful, compassionate, loving, giving and one of the most caring women on this planet. A well known name in Vancouver and beyond she is the voice of the morning news show on news 1130am and an amazing mother to her 7 year old son Emelyan.
Tammy has done many amazing things and has faced some troubling times in her life so far but she never thought she would be faced with the battle of her life, Pancreatic Cancer. For those of you that do not follow Tammy’s life on Social Media (what are living under a rock?!) you may not know that she has been struggling with her health for some time now. In and out of the Hospital for the past 6 month’s with no answers has been taxing on her and her family, especially her amazing mother who has taken her to all her appointments and sat in countless waiting rooms for hours on end for some answers, hope just anything to help Tammy.
Tammy spent the last few weeks in the Hospital and had a series of scopes, tests and biopsy’s. What they discovered was that Tammy’s cancer has metastasized and spread. The Dr’s haven’t offered any treatments to Tammy as it is just too far spread now and have said she has only months to live. As devastating as this news is, we have hope because we believe in the power of natural medicine and frankly, it’s our only hope. We are working with a detox specialist and Herbologist to try and help Tammy. We have hope we can extend her life for just a little longer so she can enjoy some time with her son and family.
We need funds to help with the cost of the natural medicine, and we would like to hire a nurse to come and help the family give Tammy the best possible care.
Beyond her current care, the biggest reason why we need to raise funds, is for her 7 year old son. This little boy needs a future. Tammy is obviously completely destroyed at the thought of leaving her son so we need to at least assure her that he will be taken care of and have a good life ahead of him. As Tammy’s family we are devastated but we have hope that we can do something for her. We wont give up, we are going to fight this as long as need be. We know Tammy is loved by so many people as she has done so many amazing things for the community such as fundraising and charity events and even sponsors a little girl.
Tammy is truly a giving soul, upon her diognoses her first responce was “I’m not ready to go there are so many more people I want to help” if that’s not a selfless sentiment I don’t know what is. She is truly inspiring and deserves us to all rally together to help her fight. Let’s give Tammy all the resources out there, let’s not give this cancer a chance to take our girl. We appreciate anything you can give, big or small it all helps. We can’t express how truly blessed we feel already from everyone in our lives. The support and help has been amazing and we feel that this thing has just begun.
We thank you and Tammy thanks you from the bottom of our hearts for your love, support and well wishes. There is strength in numbers so let us band together to give Tammy her best shot. We know there are so many other families struggling through cancer and our positive vibes go out to them as well.
Tammy Moyer’s GoFundMe HERE
Tammy’s bio courtesy of VancouverBroadcasters.com
Tammy Moyer – CFAX Victoria; news CJNW Vancouver 2001-02; news CKWX Vancouver 2002-04; morning news CKCL-FM Vancouver 2004-06; news anchor CKWX 2006-07; news Corus Group/CFQR-FM Montreal 2007-08 and mid mornings CFQR-FM 2008-10; p.m. drive news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2010-11 and a.m. drive 2011-current
This is terrible news, and I am sending HUGS and best wishes from our Family. Thanks for posting the gofundme line, and I hope many PSR people, will step up.
Bless You, Tammy, you are a special, and much loved lady.
We are Praying for her.
I had the pleasure of meeting Tammy on a number of occasions, including when she emceed a gala for Blind Beginnings last April in Coquitlam. A true professional, who always took the time out to chat. For what it’s worth, my Dad has been fighting the same disease since last April. His journey is documented on his weekly blog:
Like you, Tammy, he is a fighter, who is determined to make the most of what time he has left on Earth. My best to you and your family!
I worked with Tammy at News1130/Clear/Jack from 06-07 .. the laughs we had and the trouble we got into… ( making JD’s blood boil and her eyes roll…lol) hang in there sweetie..you are loved by many in the radio family…..
As well as being a very popular and liked news person at C-FAX, Tammy Moyer was one of our best sounding female presenters ever (ranking up there with Sophie Lui). Back in 1994 when we were one of the hottest information stations in the province, I heard a new C-FAX voice and was I impressed! She was a young woman we’d hired out of Duncan, with hardly any experience on the air. I’ve admired her as a performer ever since! You’re a winner Tammy. On behalf of Carmela and I, our very best wishes to a great lady.
Mel Cooper
Saddened to read late tonight of the passing of the talented Tammy Moyer.