January 28, 2016
So, just in case you haven’t yet gotten your full ration of Donald Trump news today, we note an interesting post about ‘The Donald’ from longtime media researcher Mark Ramsey, who thinks radio could definitely learn something important from his campaign, regardless of your politics.

While Ramsey concedes most everyone already knows about Trump’s uncanny knack of commanding the media’s attention, and how his campaign focuses on super-serving his supporters, he believes that, aside from all the obvious lessons Trump seems to teach the media daily, there’s one surprising thing he does that’s a lesson most radio stations could absolutely learn from.
“The Trump campaign has on file the name, phone number, address, and email of every one of the tens of thousands who flock to Trump events nationwide,” says Ramsey.
“Can your brand say that? Every person who goes to every Trump rally willingly gives-up their contact information because they want to hear from Trump. They want to be part of his tribe. They are fans, and that’s how fans behave. So what do you know about your fans?” Read more HERE.