Wednesday January 27, 2016
Just before he boarded a plane for Iowa yesterday (1/26) GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump spoke to Westwood One syndicated talker Michael Savage, who told the Republican front runner that he hoped Trump wouldn’t show up at tomorrow night’sFOX News Channel GOP Candidates Debate.

Not long after his chat on The Savage Nation, Trump told the press he would not appear on the next debate dais, something Savage (left) seemed delighted to HEAR … Meanwhile, Savage’s fellow Westwood One syndicated talk host Mark Levin (right) had GOP presidential hopeful Senator Ted Cruz on his show last night, where the Texas conservative challenged ‘The Donald’ to a one-on-one debate, suggesting it be held on Talk radio. Cruz also said if Trump is afraid of Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, or Megyn Kelly hosting such a debate, he’s willing to do an hourlong head-to-head debate with no moderator. Hear audio HERE … And one more item to add to this conversation: FOX News has released an official statement on Trump’s decision to take a pass on tomorrow night’s scheduled GOP debate that reads in part: “Trump is still welcome at Thursday night’s debate and will be treated fairly, just as he has been during his 132 appearances on FOX News and FOX Business, but he can’t dictate the moderators or the questions.” You can read the network’s full statement HERE.