Art Bell calls it Quits .. AGAIN … because of threats to family




Art Bell posted the following message on his facebook page this afternoon, he is ending his show Midnight in the Desert because of threats to his family.


‘I am sorry to have to announce this but I will not be on Tonight or any other night, yes I am going to hang it up. Whoever this crazy person is, they are not stopping and it has come to the point that we as a Family do not feel it is worth the risk. While I think the person or persons are after me, my Wife and now my Daughter are really scared, the other night after the latest incident my Daughter was off in the corner of her bed scared to death as the Police cars came screaming up. I will not put my Family through this. As you all know I dearly love what I do but not at the expense of never ending Terrorism. I want to thank those of you who have shown so much support and it has been my joy, short as it has been to have cracked that Mic open for a last time. This was a Family decision. The girls stuck with me and still would but if one of them were harmed because of what I love doing my life would be over.’


Bell only launched his new radio show this June 2015

Related Story HERE





  1. So this ongoing saga is more strange that some of the encounters discussed on his past Programs.

    what’s the real story line here folks?

  2. Artie, Artie why you do this to me?

    At some point it gets hard to keep count of abrupt Bell departures. Is this exit number 4 or 5? Virtually all of his “retirements” shrouded in mystery.

    I take no joy in my June prediction that Art’s return to broadcasting would be short lived. Nevertheless, my wife and I ponied up to subscribe to the Time Traveler archive to access the shows the next day. Art was as good as ever, once again proving that George Noory — despite
    more than 12 years in Art’s old chair at Coast to Coast–still can’t match him in probing deep with guests.

    Nomad is right. There has to be a bigger story. If Art is to be believed, someone is making forays onto his property to take potshots at him. If true, then his wife and daughter have to be terrified. So why not hire security to hide in wait? Some CCTV cameras might also quickly identify a suspect.

    Just guessing, but maybe it relates to person(s) who tormented Art’s son from his first marriage. (That prompted his first retirement.) Or it could be someone convinced that Art was behind the death of second wife Ramona. (Her passing was ruled an asthma attack. But eyebrows raised when Art quickly found his current Fillpino wife on an international dating site.) How about a vengeful ex-guest? Over the years Art did dump a few, including some promoting predictions that Comet Hale-Bopp was disguising a spacecraft that would attack Earth. A cult even sprouted over that scare. Led by a kook called Appleseed, members committed mass suicide.

    Certainly one hopes that Art isn’t making it all up. If a perp is arrested, maybe he’ll return. His producer thinks she’s inherited the job. Neither she nor her guest shone on Friday’s edition of Midnight In The Desert. Luckily Art phoned in to explain things and briefly helped her chat with the guests. She can pinch hit, but Midnight execs should search for someone better.

    For now I’ll keep subscribing if only to re-listen to the 4 1/2 months of great programs that Art left us.


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